An investigation into the factors affecting apartment owners' annualcontribution to a sinking fund in Multi-Unit Developments and a sensitivity analysis. Ciarán Mullan BSc (Hons) Property Studies 2019
Acknowledgements I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank all those who have contributed to the completion of this study. Firstly, I wish to thank each of the respondents of the questionnaires which formed a vital part of the research for this study. Their time and interesting views provided valuable insights from their experiences. I would like to Dr. Paul Kelly, who supervised this dissertation. His patience and valuable guidance kept me focused and productive throughout. To my family, my partner Lucy and friends, thank you for your constant support and encouragement which enabled me to finish a dissertation that I am very proud of.
DECLARATION I certify that this dissertation which I now submit for examination for the award of BSc (Hons) Property Studies is entirely my own work and has not been taken from the work of others, save and to the extent that such work has been cited and acknowledged within the text of my work. This dissertation was prepared according to the regulations for undergraduate study by research of the Technical University of Dublin and has not been submitted in whole or in part for another award in any other third level institution. The work reported on this thesis conforms to the principles and requirements of Technical University of Dublin's guidelines for ethics in research. Technical University Dublin has permission to keep, lend or copy this thesis in whole or in part, on condition that any such use of the material of the thesis is duly acknowledged.
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