Assessment 2 – Individual poster submission
Effective communication of scientific research with stakeholders in the sports industry is essential to a successful career in sports. Therefore, the goal of this assignment is to translate scientific research findings to a lay-audience of coaches in a sport of YOUR CHOICE. You can assume these coaches have extensive knowledge about the sport, but cannot assume they have any background in psychology/exercise science. Your goal is to communicate information about ironic effects and sports performance to these coaches by creating a poster. This poster can contain a maximum of 400 words (excluding reference list including in-text references), must use at least 6 peer-reviewed
scientific references, should be tailored to the chosen sport, and is highly encouraged to contain images/illustrations. The Murdoch branding poster template is provided on the LMS as a starting point for students.
One of the 6 references used MUST be:
Woodman, T., Barlow, M., & Gorgulu, R. (2015). Don’t miss, don’t miss, d’oh! Performance when anxious suffers specifically where least desired. The Sport Psychologist, 29(3), 213-223.
- Study mini lecture videos and required readings of relevant weeks
- Utilize the poster and communication information provided in tutorials
- Do individual research on your chosen sport and ironic effects in sports
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