Law EnforcementCourtsCorrections [The SRO are more than just policingaround school grounds. The SRO workdirectly with school administrators andstaff to develop a safety place to make surethe students can learn safely.][The communication skills that a schoolresource officer will need are things likecommunication skills, listening skill, needsto be patience and think critically. Theyneed to be able to write down reports forcourts, etc. Also learn different languages,a lot of people come here from overseasnot knowing how to speak English and theofficers need to have a way ofcommunicating with these set people.][The Restorative Justice brings thecommunity, criminal, and victims togetherto mend the damages caused by the crime.It focuses on rehabilitation for the offenderand reconciliation with victims and thecommunity.[Restorative Justice will allow the juvenileto take responsibility of whatever crimethey committed and work on thecommunity to correct on his mistake. Itgives a say to the victim where they canuse their voice to let the offender knowand they can see what their actions do toother people.][Juvenile probation officers look after a youth who've been accused and those that get convicted. They make sure the whoever they got they're following what the court told them to do for the juvenile to hopefully be successful.] [ The JPO stands between both the court and the youth to make sure that the youth are following the courts order. They play a supervisor act, they can show up announced or unannounced to build a rapport with the juveniles and their family. They make sure the juvenile is attending all their classes or programs.] [They should take in things like communication skills, need to be a critical thinker and have organization skills. They need to be able to understand the law and implement policies. Be able to see problems and take to correct steps on trying to fix them.] [The impact of law enforcement is the factthat they'll be the one making the decisionon either diverting the juvenile out of thesystem or the process of school to prisonpipeline. The SRO and staff will lay out allthe facts to the law enforcement which willalready let the officer make up his mindabout the kid before even getting there][They need to have the ability to be a goodlistener and know to talk to a juvenilewithout saying the wrong thing. They needto be able to communicate with both thejuvenile and their families so when itcomes to deciding, they know they hardboth sides of things and can do what's bestfor the kid.[delinquent behavior, referral,intake/diversion, transfer waiver,detention, adjudication, disposition,juvenile corrections, and aftercare.][In the juvenile court the main goal is to tryto rehabilitate the kid before they're anadult and do everything in their bestinterests. There's more treatment andtherapy in their court rather than being anadult where the courts focuses is to giveyou your punishment.[Know how to listen and how to respond ata juvenile level. Learn things that the kidsof this generation are into so you can havecommon ground and they can feel comfortable talking to you. ][the importance of separating juveniles from adults in a correctional environment is to prevent the kids from getting influenced into doing other crimes. Them being with the adults they won't be able to rehabilitate and come back to the community a change person it's just going to push them deeper into the criminal world.] [Being able to listen and adapt to thins are the biggest skills they'll need. They need to be able to show that juvenile can trust them and be open, they need to be able to grow a bond with them.]
References: [Include any references in APA format.] Constitutional Rights for Defendants in the Juvenile Justice System, crimes/juvenile-crimes/constitutional-rights-for-juvenile-defendants/ AnnieE. Casey Foundation, (,2020),corrections%20and %20(9)%20aftercare. JUVENILE PROBATION OFFICER: SALARY, CAREER OUTLOOK AND REQUIREMENTS JUVENILE PROBATION OFFICER: SALARY, CAREER OUTLOOK AND REQUIREMENTS
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