CJ 350 Module Four Assignment Template Benefits and Drawbacks of Source Types Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with your responses.
Source TypeBenefitsDrawbacks Example: Social mediaExample: This information canprovide immediate feedbackabout what is happening withina particular area or a particulargroup in real time, so thosegathering information can makefaster decisions.Example: This information could be manipulated by local governments, so the information posted may not accurately reflect the feelings of the people involved or the actual events that are occurring on the ground. 1. Double Agents"Double agents are often usedto transmit disinformation or toidentify other agents as part ofcounterespionage operations"(Clark & Mitchell, 2018). Theycan be very effective whentrying to bring down anotheragency from the inside bybuilding trust within theorganization and becomingtheir main agent to utilizeproviding them with theinformation needed tooverthrow them.The biggest drawback I see from this is that double agents are humans, and some can easily be persuaded or manipulated to turn against their own government. There is no guarantee that they will follow through with their mission, and if they started working against us and helping the foreign agency than we would be the ones in danger. All the secrets they know would be used against us. 2. Radar ImagingSAR imagery is highly beneficialto the user because it makes itharder to camouflage thedeception. This imagery is usedeither airborne or spaceborneradar systems that can locateand read images through alltypes of terrain making it nearlyimpossible to hide.One of the major drawbacks of this technology it can shut down without the proper updates, and metal shielding can cause deceptiveness during scanning. Overtime, the enemy can become much more familiar with this type of technology and begin to create even better ways of avoiding the radar imaging. 3. DanglesThe benefit to using dangles ifto give out as much informationas possible to the foreignagency. "If the target serviceswallows the bait and acceptsthe agent, then the dangle'sparent service may learn theidentities and vulnerabilities ofsome of the target's officers, itscollection requirements, andtradecraft" (Clark & Mitchell,2018). Just like with the double agent, the biggest drawback I see with using dangles is the fact they could easily turn against their own agency. There is also the idea that they may not be as skilled as the other agents or moles and may be easily made by the foreign agencies which could place them in a dangerous situation. 4. News/TV mediaThe newspapers and mediaoutlets provide an abundanceThe major drawback about these types of sources is that
References Clark, R. M., & Mitchell, W. L. (2018). Deception. SAGE Publications, Inc. (US). https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9781506375229
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