Introduction & Background
This minor thesis is focused on analyzing the challenges faced in teaching and learning Maths and Physics in post compulsory schooling in Saudi Arabia. The problem that this thesis considers is the difficulties faced by teachers in teaching Maths and Physics to students of post compulsory age and also analyzes the problems faced by students in learning the different concepts in Maths and Physics. The thesis addresses the major research question of ‘What are the challenges faced by teachers and students in teaching and learning in post compulsory education in subjects such as Maths and Physics?’. It will use the following policies as sources of qualitative data. These are
- Policy of Teaching Physics for High School
- Special Policies of Physics
- Policy of Teaching Mathematics for High School
- Policies of Mathematics Course for all Semesters
This thesis aims to analyze the different factors, which has made the teaching and learning process difficult for post compulsory school students in Saudi Arabia. Education is considered and widely accepted as an important resource for societies and individuals (Rueckert, 2018). Basic education is not just considered as a right but also as a duty and hence governments are expected to ensure access to the basic education and in many countries, citizens are required by law to attain education to a certain level (Tarc, 2013). The increasing expenditure by government on education is leading to growth in access to primary education. Education is considered by the institutions and government as fundamental to growth and development of the nation (Altbach et al., 2010). But there are various challenges to providing good education to the children, which include lack of required infrastructure, learning resources, well-trained teachers and lack of updated curriculum that enables them to have all the skills and knowledge required to establish themselves in the society (Rueckert, 2018).
One of the nations, which faces various challenges in its education system includes Saudi Arabia. The country is known for emphasizing on religious content to a great extent in its education system. The education system in Saudi Arabia is administered by three governmental organizations, which are Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and the General Organization for Technical Education and Vocational Training (O’Doherty, 2017). Education in the country is segregated by gender and divided into general education for boys, education for girls and traditional Islamic education for boys (World Atlas, 2018). Both genders have the same curriculum and take the same examinations. The compulsory education in Saudi Arabia lasts for 9 years from age 6 to age 14 (World Atlas, 2018). The secondary education lasts for three years from age 15 to 18. The education system of Saudi Arabia, which is Islamic in nature emphasizes more religious teachings and the children lack education and technical skills required for them to specialize in technical subjects (Al-Adhadh, 2018). Post compulsory secondary education does not provide students a strong base to prepare for the graduate level education due to lack of enough curriculum, no practice or guidance to prepare for the job market or for further studies (O’Doherty, 2017). The secondary education system has failed to include curriculum more aligned to the needs of a knowledge economy.
The current curriculum has failed to add new value or discussions making it difficult for the students to develop the required skills and knowledge required to opt for further studies or undergo any course that can provide employment (Laessing, & Alsharif, 2011). This research aims at identifying the challenges faced by teachers and students of 10th to 12th grade in the post compulsory education conducted in schools in Saudi Arabia in the subjects of Maths and Physics. The research will analyze the policies of teaching physics for high school, special policies of physics, teaching mathematics for high school and mathematics course for all semesters. Through this research, the key factors leading to the challenges will be identified and recommendations provided.
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