Various types of chatbots are being used in business to carry out tasks such as answering simple customer questions about products, solving problems and resolving complaints. It is claimed that chatbots can learn and improve their interaction, and when it comes to some tasks, they can be developed without requiring any coding.
The aim of this assessment is to evaluate such claims, as well as the hype surrounding the concept of chatbots. You will create a simple chatbot and be required to compare two chatbot development tools. You will then concisely report your comparison of these chatbot tools in a 1,500-2,000 word report.
The more in-depth the evaluation and comprehensive the comparison is, the better your report will be. You don't necessarily need to build a full chatbot program to evaluate the tools; however, you are expected to build part of a chatbot to demonstrate its functionality. The chatbot or part of a chatbot that you are demonstrating/building needs to have a reasonable capacity to build solutions for a business context, such as directing a customer to a resolution or a specific product.
Assessment criteria and weighting:
- Analyse and articulate your understanding of chatbot functionality (4 pts)
- Design and develop a functional chatbot (8 pts)
- Discuss the chatbot evaluation process (8 pts)
- Make one recommendation with appropriate justification (2 pts)
- Model clear, logical and appropriate academic writing and referencing skills (3 pts)
Course learning outcomes
This assessment is linked to the following course learning outcomes:
- CLO1: Critically appraise and evaluate various emerging technologies that support digital innovation
- CLO2: Design and construct technology solutions to support digital innovation in a business context
- CLO3: Evaluate emerging technologies to determine their potential to deliver business value and achieve strategic alignment
- CLO4: Explain how digital technologies can transform business processes and operations
Select at least two chatbot tools to compare. Readily available chatbot tools that can be used without much coding include Chatfuel, BotNation AI, Flow XO and
Manychat. If you prefer, you can choose another tool not listed here. The selected chatbot tools may not have AI or machine learning capacity, so show the most complex thing it can do instead.
For one of the tools you are evaluating you should build a bot or part of a bot from scratch and not use any of the templates that the tool may provide. For the other you can use the templates available with the chatbot tool
The evaluation process should address the following questions:
- Does the tool meet the general definition of a chatbot?
- Does the tool provide some AI or machine learning functionality?
- Does the tool provide templates and do these templates allow a user to build a sophisticated bot?
- What is the most complex process the tool allows you to do?
- What do you think the primary function is for most chatbots created by this tool? For example, some tools focus on direct customer-to-product details, whereas others focus on directing customers to a human service
- How easy was it for you to learn?
- How easy do think it would for a non-technically skilled person to learn to use the tool and build something meaningful?
Put the results of your evaluation in a table to provide a summary of your evaluation. Use the table below as a guide (but come up with your own criteria):
Submission requirements
Make sure you back up your files as you work. Your TurnItIn result must be less than 15%.
You need to submit the following:
- documentation of how your chatbots work and what they do, along with what functionality it claims to provide and your assessment of these
- screen captures to show the complex functionality/machine learning/AI of your chatbots or part of chatbots and your experiments with it
- a table to show the results of your evaluation of the Chatbot non-programming tools
- a recommendation with appropriate
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