Research Report
Date Due: Tuesday 19 Sept 2023 @ 11:59 p.m.
Submit: Submit your completed assessment to the blackboard under the Assessment Folder.
Worth: this assessment is worth 30% of your final grade.
Presentation Standard
- Times New Roman
- 12 pt for normal text
- 14 pt bold for major headings, 12 pt bold for minor headings
- 5 line spacing
- Header: Your name plus your ID number; make sure to use the following format: 10pt, italics, right aligned.
- Footer: Page numbering make sure to use the following format: 10pt, italics, left aligned
- 3cm margin left of page, 2.5cm margin top, bottom and right of page
- Assignment should be word-processed, spell and grammar checked.
- Be approximately 2,000 to 4,500 words in length, excluding diagrams; appendices; Your reflection, Executive summary, and references.
- The assignment should contain no less than 15 academic journal references and textbooks, 6 academic journals should be dated from 2019 to 2023. Make sure to use Endnote software for the references’ section.
- Whenever you need to quote ideas and/or the quotes of any other author, you should acknowledge this, using the Chicago referencing method (Chicago 17th B ed.)
- Please READ ME: Submit your work in word document format (ONLY)
- B.: The use of WIKIPEDIA online encyclopaedia is not allowed
Please use the following headings for the Research Report Assessment
- Executive Summary (3 Marks)
- An Executive Summary should outline the following:
- objectives of the report
- scope of the report (narrow down the topic)
- information sources used (mention any limitations)
- findings of the research
- Recommendations
- Conclusion
- An Executive Summary should outline the following:
- Introduction (2 Marks)
- Some contents will be similar to the Executive Summary:
- Introduces the reader to the subject matter.
- Provides purpose and objectives of the report.
- States terms of reference (what the research set out to cover).
- States information sources used (mention any limitations).
- Indicates general make-up of the report.
- Uses decimal notation starting at the Introduction, i.e., 1.0.
- Some contents will be similar to the Executive Summary:
- Scope of the Literature Review (2 Marks)
- In this section, please create a table (and caption) with the following main headings; also discuss with the readers the table aims.
- Key terms (Key words)
- e., Leaders, Managers, Communication, leadership …etc.
- Databases
- Proquest, ScienceDirect, SciFinder, Scopus, SpringerLink, Wiley Online Library
- Journals
- Journal of Project Management
- Harvard Business
- Journal of Information Systems…etc.
- Key terms (Key words)
- In this section, please create a table (and caption) with the following main headings; also discuss with the readers the table aims.
- Background (Headings and subheadings) (7 Marks)
- Presents findings in detail
- Analyses, interprets,
- Discussion: Under the discussion section, you need to discuss the following: (7 Marks)
- By finding the necessary literature review from the journals and books, did you answer Research Report Assessment question?
- Did you agree with the current literature review about Research Report question (if Yes, Why and if No, Why); please add your voice and perspective?
- Discuss your report limitations
- Where from here!
- B.: no citation in this section, please use cross reference
- Recommendations (2 Marks)
- List the recommendations based on the background section, use cross-reference
- Conclusion (3 Marks)
- Conclusions are drawn from the evidence and discussion provided in the body of the report.
- No new information and new references
- Your reflection (2 Marks)
- Under this section talk about your “Journey with Research Report Assessment “.
- Was this Research Report assessment as challenging as you expected? Easier? More difficult? And why?
- What challenges did you face?
- How did you overcome these challenges?
- What have you learnt? About the theories, skills (i.e. research, writing, decision making, endnote software…etc.) and about yourself
- References (2 Marks)
- Under this section talk about your “Journey with Research Report Assessment “.
Guidelines for Report Writing
Report writing uses similar principles and skills to those used when writing essays; however, the key differences are that reports include a formal summary, a numbering system, and a set of recommendations. Increasingly popular is substituting an Executive Summary in place of the Abstract. An Executive Summary encompasses all the major issues within the report. In business many readers will not read beyond the Executive Summary, hence this component must be written carefully to ensure it embodies the intent of the report.
For this Assignment, make sure to complete the following question:
Project leadership should meet the changing needs of the 21st century if it is to remain relevant. The 21st century world has changed from that of the previous century, with the global financial crisis (GFC) marking a point of inflection in this change. (Lloyd-Walker, 2011)[1]
Evaluate the validity of this statement based on your research and knowledge. Discuss the dissimilarities and similarities between project leadership and management. Further discuss the qualities and responsibilities of project leadership and management.
[1] Lloyd-Walker, B & Walker, D 2011, ‘Authentic leadership for 21st century project delivery’, International Journal of Project Management, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 383-95.
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