Ethical Considerations EEC 3403 Shane Mardy Case Study #1:The IEP deadline for Gerald is on Monday, and his parents are not free to meet until the following Friday.You've tried contacting them by phone for two weeks and planned to meet on Monday without them.They desired to attend the meeting but had problems with their phone.They are just now calling you on Friday at the end of the day.What should you do? I would wait until the parents are able to have a meeting about the IEP plan. The deadline does not meet that the plan will expire or services will be taken away. So waiting for everyone to be present for the meeting is the best option. If you have the meeting without the parents they are being deprived of their right to have input in the plan. The IEP plan should be a collaborative effort between the school and parents, so having a meeting without them and making decisions for their child is not right. Reflection: The case showed that the provider was willing to have a meeting without the parents in order to fulfill the deadline. However, parents have a right to be present at all IEP meetings so proceeding without them would be wrong. Making decisions for another person's child without their input is not one of the key principles of IDEA. Case Study #2:The IEP team at your school decided that Sally would be best suited in a self-contained classroom.After you share your recommendation with the parents, her mother expresses her relief to find that there are solutions to help her daughter. However, Sally's father becomes irate and yells at the mother for producing an idiot child.He said that no daughter of his will goes to the "dumb class," and then he stormed out.What should you do? I would attempt to calm down the father and let him know, the school has the best interest in mind. Letting the parents know that getting resources is a good thing and that the school is here to help could calm the father's nerves. The issue here is that there is a negative stigma around being disabled and having special needs. So for a parent to
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