Word limit: 2000 words (excluding references)
Marks: 25% of total unit grade Essay topic The future of environmental health practice lies in the ability of practitioners to go beyond the traditional boundaries of practice established by the sanitation movement to the adoption of practices that can help address the complexities and uncertainties associated with wicked problems. In this essay, you are required to develop an argument to support this statement. To do so, 1. select a wicked problem relevant to environmental health practice and describe why it is a wicked problem 2. critically evaluate why traditional approaches to practice are no longer sufficient to deal with this wicked problem 3. identify and discuss what you consider are important approaches to dealing with wicked problems in the future Format and presentation When preparing your essay, please ensure that you: · Include a footer stating your name and student number · Number the pages · Provide a separate page for the list of references · Use 1.5 line spacing and leave a space between paragraphs · Use size 11 or 12 font · Keep a copy for later verification if required Referencing Please ensure that your essay is correctly referenced using APA 7th. Guidelines on this referencing style can be found at: |
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