Task 2: Critical Review Essay
Weight: 40%
Research and Writing time: approx. 40 hours
Word Count: 1500 words (+/- 10%)
References: 15 minimum, APA style 7th ONLY
Purpose: As a registered nurse, a key part of your role will be to identify and assess the need for health promotion and illness prevention interventions in both individuals and communities. Some of your roles could include the provision and/or sourcing of health education, supporting people to improve their lifestyle factors, supporting people in managing their chronic conditions, and identifying and acting upon environmental factors contributing to illness in the community.
This essay is designed to help you develop the necessary skills to:
- Identify what constitutes vulnerability in a population group,
- Research and critically analyse the key concepts essential for successful health promotional and educational programs as it relates to the role of a nurse, essential to providing appropriate patient centred care.
- Write and present material that is logical, concise, with good expression of English grammar, spelling and referencing
Essay Topic: Choose one of the four topics to address for your essay.
- Children are a vulnerable population group of any society or community. Critically analyse and discuss why children are vulnerable in relation to health outcomes and what the nurse can do to empower families, children and communities to promote health for children. (** Indonesian study tour students are recommended to select this or topic 2)
- Women are a vulnerable population group. Critically analyse and discuss why women are vulnerable in relation to health outcomes and what the nurse can do to empower women, families, children and communities to promote health for women. (** Indonesian study tour students are recommended to select this or topic 1)
- Australian Indigenous teenagers are a vulnerable population group. Critically analyse and discuss why Indigenous teenagers are vulnerable in relation to health outcomes and what the nurse can do to empower families, teenagers, children and communities to promote health for Australian Indigenous teenagers.
- Often hoarding and mental health issues relating to hoarding situate adult people at the margins of society and as a result, these people may have poorer health outcomes in relation to their physical and mental health. Critically analyse and discuss why people who hoard are vulnerable in relation to poorer health outcomes and what the nurse can do to empower families, children and communities to promote health for people who hoard.
Instructions (please also refer to the instructions, marking guide and submission links in Moodle): Pick one of the above topics and introduce and describe this group of people and why they are vulnerable to poor health. Use health statistics and literature to review the population group’s key health issues.
(guide150 words) Review the social determinants of health, human rights issues and human behavioural factors that may contribute to the poor health outcomes of your chosen population group. Use literature and research to support your assertions in your writing. (guide 450 words)
Discuss how as a nurse you can work with these people, with varying health literacy levels, by empowering them through change, community advocacy and primary health care. Give three examples of what the nurse can do 1. To create change in the community, 2. To advocate for better healthcare and 3. To deliver primary healthcare to this population group (guide 500 words). Discussion and examples need to be supported by the literature.
Find one health promotional program for your population group and consider 1. What is the service/program's name and what does the service/program do? What population group does it target for its service and what geographical location does it outreach to? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the program in relation to your vulnerable population group. Reference the program reviewed, your assertions and/or discussion. (approximately 300 words)
Provide a conclusion about why the nurse’s role in primary healthcare and health promotion for this vulnerable population group is important. (No references are needed in the conclusion) (guide 100 words)
Format: The essay format must include an obvious introduction, a body detailing the crucial aspects of the topic, a conclusion and a reference list. The preferred layout of your paper should be double-spaced with block paragraphing (no indenting). Do not indent the first line of each paragraph. Page numbers are to be included on the bottom left corner of the page.
Presentation: All work should be typed in 12-point Times Roman font, double-spaced; and written and presented according to the academic guidelines using APA (7th Edition)
referencing. For further assistance in relation to academic writing and referencing, refer to the Federation University library home page: http://federation.edu.au/library. The length of the essay is 1500 words (+/- 10%). Any task that is under or over the allocated limits by 10% will attract a deduction from the final mark for the task. References: A minimum of 15 references must be used for the essay. These should be no more than 7 years old unless of historical significance and/or of specific relevance to the topic.
These references must be a mixture of books and journals or Library database sources. Dictionaries, Wikipedia or Yellow Pages are not considered primary references and therefore will not be counted in the reference count. Direct quotes, appendices or the reference list, are not counted in the word limit. Direct quotes must be limited to no more than 50 words and be according to APA 7th Edition style. Please ensure that you adhere to the specific guidelines set out by the APA 7th Edition guidelines available within the general guide to referencing:https://federation.edu.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/313328/FEDUNI-GENERAL-GUIDE-TO-REF ERENCING2016-EDITION_ed.pdf
The prescribed textbooks for this course are:
Fertman, C.I. and Allensworth, D.D. (2017). Health Promotion Programs. From Theory to Practice 2nd Edition.
Jossey-Bass. ISBN: 9781119163336
Fleming, M.L. and Parker, E. (2007). Health Promotion Principles and Practice in The Australian Context.
Routledge Taylor Francis Group. ISBN: 1741750172
Mkandawire-Valhmu, L. (2018). Cultural Safety, Healthcare and Vulnerable Populations. A Critical Theoretical
Perspective. Routledge Taylor Francis Group. ISBN: 9781315708706Taylor, J., O’Hara, L., Talbot, L., Verrinder, G. (2021) Promoting health: The primary health care approach 7th Edition. Elsevier Australia.
Covid 19:Health Literacy is an underestimated problem (Paakkari & okan, 2020)
Critical Health literacy and the covid-19 crisis (abel & McQueen, 2020)
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