Thesis Statement: Empowerment of the employees by their leaders in the current era.
This era is a complex period where leaders need to attain the important skills and understanding to succeed in organizations. In the past century, it was observed that employees were seen as slaves of the leaders and were not given their rights, however, today the leaders need to evolve and adapt new ways to empower their followers. Like they need to be a good listener to the employees or help the employees when in need or the leaders can become a team player in some projects and encourage their followers to lead the team (Dike, Odiwe and Ehujor, 2015).
There are different leadership styles like transformational, transactional, autocratic, laissez faire, democratic and many more. Every leadership style has its significance like in the transformational leadership style the leader has a positive image and motivates its followers to achieve their goal. The transactional type of leader will provide its followers with a reward to get things done quickly, the laissez faire is kind of a sleeping partner who doesn’t have an interest in the matters of his employees, in other words, he is a selfish leader and many more.
According to McCallum (2013), to achieve a greater outcome in the organization followership is equally important as leadership because if there are no followers than there will no idea of a leader. If there are no supporters then who will support the leaders. It has been determined that followership is a dynamic social procedure of contributing by supporting a leader. Excellent followers have few talents like good observation, keenly follows the instructions given by the leaders and knows how to progress in any task. Nevertheless, it is expected from the supporters to follow and take direction from their manager however, not all of the supporters are active supporters. The ones who are not obedient or loyal are simply a cause of distress to the leader as well as the firm. The researches have concluded that a disloyal supporter blocks the development of the firm (Dike, Odiwe and Ehujor, 2015).
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