You are required to design three student-focused inquiry learning plans that introduce and/or develop function related concepts. These are not a sequence of lessons. There is to be one for Stage 4, one for Stage 5, and one for Stage 6. Inquiry learning may take up to 80 minutes, hence each learning activity may span more than one lesson. Being student focused in this case means that the activity will focus on students actively constructing their own mathematical knowledge through participation in a mathematical inquiry.
You are to provide a justification for your learning plans that reflects the principles and practices of exemplary mathematics teaching and clearly shows how the learning plans develop the concept of function through Stage-appropriate activities.
Your submission should:
- Make use of the inquiry learning plan format Details will include: the year level the activity will target; what syllabus outcomes you expect they will be working towards, including working mathematically; descriptors and assessment expectations during the learning; what the students will do in each learning plan, namely the steps of the inquiry; how you as a teacher will be facilitating the inquiry, including questioning and expectations and learning resources (such as ICT), and how you will organise the students. Limited teacher script should be included that demonstrates how the inquiry might unfold from the engaging to making connections. This script may include examples of relevant prompting and/or enabling questions that help facilitate student learning. (2 pages per learning plan)
- Put one of your draft learning plans on the discussion forum as a draft for comment by another student. This must be done by 30 April. Each student will be allocated to a group of three and review the learning plan of another student in the group by 7 Students should use this review to improve their learning plans before final submission to EASTS. The criteria and marking rubric (at least pass expectations) for the learning plan assessment below can be used to review the plan.
- An essay providing the justification for your inquiry approach and each This essay
should also explain the development of the concept of function from early Stage 4 through to Stage 6 using the details of your plans as exemplars, and how each reflects the principles and practices of exemplary mathematics teaching. In-text referencing of the textbook and at least 2 other relevant readings is required. A reference list must be provided. (1000 words excluding references)
You may include appendices, on which additional information e.g. your solution to the inquiry or screen shots of the ICT in use. There should be no more than one 1-page appendix for each learning task. You may use inquiry websites such as nrich.maths.org or resolve.edu.au for inquiries (that is your inquiry ideas do not have to be original but your plans do, please reference your source e.g. url).
This assessment task will assess the following learning outcome/s:
- be able to develop and evaluate engaging strategies (including the use of ICT) for teaching secondary mathematics from late Stage 3 through to Stage
- be able to apply contemporary models of pedagogy in planning of a sequence of learning activities that develop a foundational mathematical concept, such as the function, from late Stage 3 through to Stage
- be able to design contextualised teaching and learning activities for mathematics 7-10, which integrate literacy and numerary strategies and cater for a diversity of learners' needs and
Reflective essay (1000 words excluding references)
An essay providing the justification for your inquiry approach and each plan. This essay should also explain the development of the concept of function from early Stage 4 through to Stage 6 using the details of your plans as exemplars, and how each reflects the principles and practices of exemplary mathematics teaching. In-text referencing of the textbook and at least 2 other relevant readings is required. A reference list must be provided.
A possible structure:
Introduction (approx. 100 words) – what the essay is intended to show, including a very brief description of the three learning activities and why each is included.
Stage 4 learning plan (approx. 250 words) – show how the Stage 4 learning plan introduces key ideas related to functions by reference to specific aspects of the learning plan.
Stage 5 learning plan (approx. 250 words) – show how the Stage 5 learning plan builds on the Stage 4 learning plan, perhaps by broadening the type of function, developing mathematical modelling and/or developing concepts of functions as mathematical objects in their own right.
Stage 6 learning plan (approx. 250 words) – show how the Stage 6 learning plan builds on the Stage 4 and Stage 5 learning plans, perhaps by introducing ideas of calculus, introducing a wider range of mathematical models and/or promoting understanding of functions as schema.
Conclusion (approx. 100-200 words) – summarise the key points in your discussion. Give an overall evaluation of what you believe your learning plans did well and how they might be improved or expanded.
References – Give references in APA (7th edition) style. Fewer references addressed in detail is better than an extensive list. Four to five references that support your use of the framework and/or elements of the learning plans that you particularly want to highlight is more than enough.
Include here any worksheets or resources developed as well as screenshots of websites.
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