Learning to play the piano is an imperative first step towards systematic music education. The piano is an ideal instrument for beginners in music education since it has prepared sounds, appropriate structure for the hands and other technical features. The appropriate age to begin piano lessons is between 5 and 6 years; however, this is subject to the child's interest, cognitive and physical development, as well as talent. The task of a piano teacher is to ensure that the learner develops appropriate mastery of the skills to play the piano professionally and obtain satisfaction through enjoyment and entertainment. For this reason, the piano teacher plays a critical role in assisting the learner to grow and develop musically by articulating the personal, philosophical, practical, and performance-based skills to enhance their expertise (Thompson, 2018). The effective practice strategies to facilitate the professional growth of the learner depending on the learner's relation with music, interests, and teacher's experience and qualities.
The piano teacher is responsible for the development and mastery of the learners. Therefore, the teacher must employ effective practice strategies that will help the student achieve the educational goals which include mastery of playing the instrument. Considering the diversity in a classroom, the teacher should utilise different practice strategies to help the learners enhance their piano playing skills. This study aims at examining the effective practice strategies used by teachers with beginner piano learners.
The rationale for the Project
Despite many students taking part in school music programmes in junior school, the number of students taking elective programmes in senior school is low. For example, in North America only 5% of the students taking music to enrol in the elective programme in senior school. In the UK the number is 2% of the student cohort while three out of four students in the Australian government system drop music before their final year in secondary school (Lowe, 2012). Cheng & Southcott (2016) highlight a lack of motivation as a major course of drop out in the music program. However, the lack of effective practice strategies plays a critical role in these outcomes. This study examines the effective practice strategies that teachers should use with beginner students to increase the number of enrolment in music programs at senior school. In identifying these strategies, the research will influence teaching and learning by providing effective practice strategies in an evidence-based approach to ensure efficiency and better results for piano enthusiasts.
Aims of the Study
The main objective of the study is to examine how teachers promote effective practice strategies for beginning piano students. The study will examine the strategies used by piano teachers to promote effective practice with beginner students. The study will have the following objectives:
- To examine the strategies used by piano teachers to promote effective practice for beginners,
- To determine the role of the teacher in influencing effective practice among piano students,
- To recommend the most effective and efficient practice strategies suggested by piano teachers.
Based on these specific objectives, the research will seek to answer the following research questions
- What strategies do piano teachers use to promote effective practice for beginners?
- What is the role of the teacher in influencing students in practising the piano?
- What practice strategies are recommended to be the most effective and efficient with beginner learners?
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