EED7001 Research Method in Education - Research Proposal Poster - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Research Proposal Poster


Key Assessment Information
Overview Length or Duration Worth Due
Assessment 3 involves the development of a research proposal poster for a project and should be practitioner-focused and is worth  40% of your final mark.  2000 words 40% Day after Session 11, 9am


The purpose of this assessment task is to:

  • Demonstrate that you understand the key concepts involved in developing and a research proposal 

The unit learning outcomes assessed are: 

  • LO#1- Analyse and critique contemporary perspectives and theories related to educational research;
  • LO#2- Explicate the essential elements and processes involved in undertaking quality educational research;
  • LO#3- Elucidate an understanding of the need for the ethical conduct of research, and an awareness of the processes for applying for ethics approval when undertaking educational research;
  • LO#4- Critically reflect on and evaluate different approaches to research
  • LO#5- Investigate and design a research project; and
  • LO#6- Present a research proposal.


In this Assessment Task you are required to produce a research proposal in the form of a poster which should contain the following:   

  • A title and context for the study; including a summary of synoptic literature review
  • An explanation for the choice of paradigm; methodology and research methods adopted;
    •  An explanation of the research design that will be adopted to answer/explore the research inquiry/questions; 
    •  An overview of data collection procedures (including details about the participant groups and selection if relevant); 
    •  An outline of data analysis and reporting; 
    •  An indication of how considerations such as reliability, validity or trustworthiness will be addressed;  
  •  An outline of ethical issues that may be relevant and how they will be managed; 
  •  A critically reflective statement;  
  •  A reference list containing a minimum of 5 academic references


To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Consider the orientation, layout and colour scheme for your poster. Refer to Session 8 for more information on how to design an academic poster.
  2. Consider an appropriate title and provide a context for the study via a summary of the synoptic literature review
  3. Write a clear research question 
  4. Write a clear rationale for the choice of paradigm; methodology and research methods adopted
  5. Write a detailed and referenced explanation of data collection procedures (including participant selection if relevant).
  6. A detailed and referenced explanation of data analysis and reporting
  7. Write a discussion of ethical issues and potential risks that may be relevant
  8. Write a clear statement about you becoming a reflective practitioner or practitioner researcher in developing this proposal.
  9. Use a consistent academic writing style and Harvard referencing style
  10. Use academic peer-reviewed journals
  11. Submit your research proposal poster in the allocated dropbox on VU Collaborate 
  12. Use the following file naming conventions for your submission: Student ID, Family name, first name, research proposal poster


The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:

  • Appropriate title and research question
  • Explanation of the methodology
  • A well-referenced rationale for the choice of paradigm and research approach 
  • A detailed explanation of the proposed data collection procedures and analysis including reliability, validity or trustworthiness
  • A discussion of ethical issues and potential risks that may be relevant and how they will be managed
  • A critically reflective statement 
  • Poster quality and the mechanics of language and academic style

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