EED7001 Research Method in Education - Literature Review - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Critical Literature Review


Key Assessment Information
Overview Length or Duration Worth Due
Assessment 2 involves the development of a literature review as a component of your research proposal and should be practitioner-focused.  2000 40% Day after Session 7, 9am


The purpose of this assessment task is to:

  • Demonstrate that you understand the key concepts involved in developing a critical literature review

The unit learning outcomes assessed are: 

  • LO#1: Analyse and critique contemporary perspectives and theories related to educational research;
  • LO#2:Explicate the essential elements and processes involved in undertaking quality educational research; 
  • LO#3:Elucidate an understanding of the need for the ethical conduct of research, and an awareness of the processes for applying for ethics approval when undertaking educational research;
  • LO#5:Design a research project; 


In this Assessment Task you are required to produce a literature review which should contain the following:   

  • A title, abstract and introduction (overview and background or context for the study);
  • A referenced rationale for the study, in which appropriate literature is used to build the case for the research. The rationale will culminate in the research aims and research problem/question(s).  


To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions.

  1. Construct an appropriate title 
  2. Write an introduction, overview, and background or context for the study. 
  3. Write an overview of methodologies used in the literature related to the topic including a well-referenced summary of research designs in each paper, including paradigms, methods of data collection, and justifications provided by authors
  4. Write a well-referenced literature review and rationale for the study 
  5. Write a clear research question 
  6. Use a consistent academic writing style
  7. Use a minimum of 5 academic peer-reviewed journals


The following levels of criteria will be used to grade this assessment task:

  • Criterion 1: Appropriate title, structured abstract and introduction which provides an overview of the proposed study 
  • Criterion 2: Overview of methodologies used in the literature related to the topic
  • Criterion 3: Overview of literature related to the topic and rationale for the study
  • Criterion 4: Mechanics of language and academic style

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