EED7001 Research Method in Education - Case Writing - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Research planning


Key Assessment Information
Overview Length  Worth Due
For this assessment, you are required to write a case and connect it to scoping document that is focused on an area of research interest that should be practitioner-focused. This assessment accounts for 20% of your overall mark. This assessment task has two parts.  1000 words 20% Day after Session 3, 9 am


The purpose of PART 1 this assessment task is to:

  • Select and describe an event or incident that is connected to educational practice. 
  • The writing requires careful observation and description. 
  • The description includes not only what happened, but also the context, consequences of actions, participant responses and the writer’s thoughts and feelings. 
  • It is writing that allows us to engage in reflective practice. 

The purpose of PART 2 this assessment task is to:

  • For you to connect your case to a topic for research will require you to read and reference the research on your topic area.
  • Your scoping document should contain referenced up-to-date peer-reviewed academic sources.  

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

  • LO#1:Analyse and critique contemporary perspectives and theories related to educational research;
  • LO#2:Explicate the essential elements and processes involved in undertaking quality educational research;  
  • LO#3:Elucidate an understanding of the need for the ethical conduct of research, and an awareness of the processes for applying for ethics approval when undertaking educational research;
  • LO#4:Critically reflect on and evaluate different approaches to research;  
  • LO#5:Design a research project; 


Part 1:

In the process of case writing teachers/practitioners/researchers select and describe an aspect of their work that describes an event or incident that involves a dilemma, contradiction or achievement.  

Why write cases? 

  • To see an event in a new way 
  • To provide new understandings 
  • To uncover hidden meaning 
  • To explore better ways to teach/perform in your workplace 
  • To improve learning 

You can choose an event or incident to write about by considering the questions below: 

  • Does it present a dilemma/ uncertainty and opportunity for learning?  
  • Does it provide an opportunity to draw out broad issues related to teaching and learning?  
  • Does it provide an opportunity to make connections to educational theory?   
  • Does it help us to see things differently in retrospect? 
  • Does it help me to learn more about teaching and learning? 

Part 2:

The scoping document has to be related to your case from which you will have identified an area of research interest that should be practitioner-focused. The aim of the scoping document is for you to think about a topic for research and to work through the process of developing a research question.  This will require you to read and reference the research on your topic area. Your scoping document should contain referenced up-to-date peer-reviewed academic sources. It is recommended that your scoping document flows through the following sections:  

  • What is your research project? What are you planning to do? 
  • What is the rationale for yourresearch proposal? Why is this research important in the context of teaching and learning? 
  • Give an overview of some of the cultural/ social/ policy factors that impact your 
  • 3 -5 academic references that will help to inform my research project could include.  
  • How is your topic likely to bring about positive change for all stakeholders involved? 


This is an opportunity to familiarise yourself with the literature in the area of your interest related to your practice, practice reflexive and academic writing and cite the appropriate use of the wider literature to support a research narrative 


To get started on your assessment task, please follow the below instructions.

Part 1

  1. Gather your ideas by drawing a mind map. You can use a digital mind mapping tool – Mindmup. 
  2. Write your topic in the centre of a blank page.
    1. Draw related ideas on 'branches' that radiate from the central topic. When you get a new idea, start a new branch from the centre. Include any ideas, topics, authors, theories, experiences associated with your topic. 
    2. Map quickly, without pausing, to maintain a flow of ideas. Associate freely and do not self-edit; at this stage anything and everything is OK. 
    3. Circle the key points or ideas. Look at each item and consider how it relates to others, and to the topic as a whole. 
    4. Map the relationships between the ideas or key points using lines, arrows, colours. Use words or phrases to link them. 
    5. Think of an interaction, event or episode you experienced that can be connected to the topic. 
  3. Writing the Case: Describe what happened. 
    1. What was your role? 
    2. What feelings and perceptions surrounded the experience? 
    3. What other perspectives, theories or concepts could be applied to the situation? 

Part 2

  1. First, start with the wider field,
  2. Narrow to your particular area of interest, identifying the key issues that need to be considered in your research 
  3. Connect the context to research in your specific situation
  4. Connect the case to a clear statement of your emergent research question.
  5. You should use 3-5 academic sources referenced using Harvard referencing style. 
  6. Submit your assignment as a Word or PDF document in the allocated dropbox on VU Collaborate.  

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