Education Equity and Identities - Articles Review - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Mini Research Review

You will need to make 2 files:

  • Word document (literature search)
  • PowerPoint slides with transcript text for presenter

The topic is:

Education equity and identities


  • Words document: do a mini research review. You will need to review 10 articles from scholarly resources. (FILL IN THE TEMPLATE)

4 are provided. You need to find 6 more.

  • PowerPoint Presentation (12 slides)

 The PowerPoint slides should cover:

  • Introduction of the topic (1-2 slides).

 For example: what are some of the debates or dilemmas about this topic? Provide an overall introduction/discussion about this topic.

  • Mini research review. You will need to review 10 articles from scholarly resources. (FILL IN THE TEMPLATE)

The combination of the 10 articles could be: 4 course readings and 6 external peer-review journal articles (should be dated since 2010). Think about organising your ideas, analysis, and discussion by applying the critical reading and analysis skills. You might want to organise, analyse, and discuss your review of the articles in themes. Think about the overall big question of: what does the research literature say about this topic?

  • Highlight 3 possible solution (or 3 plans) that could address the problem(s) with the support of appropriate scholarly citations.
  • Write a script for each slide for me to present the PowerPoint slides.

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