Assessment Task 1a | Date due | % | SILOs Assessed |
Critical Analysis Report (400 words; a formative task for 1b) | Monday 13 March
11:59pm |
10% | 1, 3 |
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Via the link in the LMS | |||
Grading Criteria and Feedback | |||
See rubric for grading. Feedback provided via LMS within 3 weeks | |||
Description of Task | |||
Tasks 1a and 1b: The aim of tasks 1a and 1b is to learn about and reflect critically on foundational curriculum, policies, and pedagogies, and to generate informed ways of thinking otherwise about these matters (SILOS 1, 3). Select two articles from the EDU5CPP Reading List which have different perspectives on curriculum and write a critical analysis of the two articles. A critical analysis adopts a scholarly approach to writing that analyses, evaluates, and justifies decisions and/or positions. It uses recent, relevant literature to identify your understanding; requires you to reflect critically on your thinking; and requires you show how and what you have learned from your analysis.
TASK 1a. Your critical analysis REPORT should be 400 words in length. It should consider each article separately; summarise each article, including the key issues it raises. It should identify the purpose of each article; indicate how the authors try to achieve this, and how successful they were. REPORT: Summarise each article, including the key issues raised. What was the purpose of each article? How do the authors try to achieve this? How successful were they? Analyse = Break down to bring out essential elements or structure; identify parts or relationships; interpret information to reach conclusions (What was the purpose of each article?; How do the authors try to achieve this?; How successful were they?) Appraise = Evaluate or judge a text or piece of work (What was the purpose of each article?; How do the authors try to achieve this?) Evaluate = to assess implications and limitations; to make judgments about ideas, works, solutions, or methods (How do the authors try to achieve this?; How successful were they?) Justify = providing valid reasons and evidence to support an answer or conclusion. (How do the authors try to achieve this?; How successful were they?) |
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