EDU4UML Using Multimedia for Learning - Interactive Multimedia Work - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Multimedia Interactive

Assessment Task 2                                                                                  Due Date                                 %                  SILOs Assessed
TASK 2: Multimedia learning materials based on an educational issue - convert your instructional poster to a multimedia interactive (3000 words equivalent) 5th June 2022  submit completed interactive

This includes feedback on ideas provided and received during workshop during Session 3

60% 2, 3, 4
Submission Details
Grading Criteria and Feedback
See Rubric below
Description of Task
In this task, you will turn the poster from Task 1 into an interactive multimedia work. You can choose to create an online resource, animation, video or augmented reality/virtual reality piece. This task will be started in our workshops, and you will need to confirm your choice of software and product with the lecturer. We wil go through a range of free software options to help you decide, including:

·         Story Spheres:

·         Powtoon:

·         Audacity:

·         QR Code Generator:

(we will go through a more comprehensive software options list during our workshops)

Your final product needs to be easily navigable and demonstrate an understanding of the use of multimedia – this can include graphics, animations, sounds, text, video, colour, fonts or hyperlinks. Imagine that you are giving this to someone to use independently, without further explanation. It should include the following key features:

·         The content of the poster should be included as a minimum

·         Navigation must be intuitive

·         Content MUST be legible

·         An audio component must be included

·         Multimedia content (beyond images and text) is a core requirement

·         Include an accompanying text statement of 100-200 words outlining your feedback from colleagues and peers, and your reflections on this feedback

Submission details:

Please submit to the LMS a one-page MS Word or PDF document outlining:

1.       A link to the online resource containing your interactive work (e.g. Youtube, Story Spheres). Your completed interactive needs to be easily viewable by your teacher. It must not be uploaded in a proprietary software form such as Photoshop, video program files etc.

2.       text statement of 100-200 words summarising the peer feedback you have received on your idea, and your reflections on/responses to that feedback. This feedback will be given and received during our Session 3 workshops/presentations.

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