Assessment 1 Details
Link to unit learning outcomes:
- Understand how global trends and local contexts affect young people's learning, work, identities and well-being in schools and post-schooling contexts
2. Obtain insights about contemporary career and employability theories and concepts
3. Understand the diverse needs and identities of young people in education-to-work transitions
4. Practise and advance skills in developing and utilising some key resources to enhance education-to-work transitions and employability sustainability
5. Obtain insights about how schools and universities prepare students for education-to-work transitions and how other stakeholders should be involved in this process
6. Be able to analyse personal resources like skills, knowledge and personal qualities as well as critically analyse career values and then develop plausible career plans/pathways as well as identify necessary resources for employability sustainability
What should you do?
This will be a mindmapping academic poster showcasing your work in Weeks 1-5. You will present your poster to your peers. This is an opportunity for you and peers to exchange ideas and learn from each other. Your tutor will instruct how you will present your poster.
Details of the task
Identify an employability issue of your interest and concern. The issue you choose should relate to one of the topics addressed in this unit. You then need to use at least 5 peers-reviewed articles/or book chapters from academic journals in English. In addition to these 5 key articles/book chapters, you are also allowed to use other sources (e.g. policies, reliable media etc.) and in your home language.
Key aspects of your employability issue that you must cover in your poster are:
- Contextualise your employability issue e.g. provide background details and discuss why this issue is important (e.g. what kind of problems this issue has caused relevant stakeholders). In this section, you also need to briefly discuss how some key factors at the macro (e.g., government, society) and meso (e.g., employers, universities, parents) influence employability of your chosen graduates.
- Briefly discuss the definition(s) and approaches/perspectives/theories of employability, then present the definition of employability in the case of your chosen graduates.
- Identify and critically discuss how ONE capital supports or constrains employability of your chosen graduates.
- Conclude your presentation with briefly presenting your critical point of view about how different stakeholders should take responsibilities and collaborate to prepare students’ employability. You also need to reflect how the issue is connected to your own experiences e.g. how you have prepared for your education-to-work transitions, what kind of external/contextual factors that support/constrain the preparations of your education-to-work transitions, what you have/haven’t done well and what should be done more.
- Identify, define and discuss key concepts that you use in your poster and presentation. These concepts should be mentioned and discussed wherever appropriate through your poster and presentation.
- For all parts of the assignment, you need to ensure that you are drawing evidence from relevant literature.
This assessment task should be viewed as a ‘building block’ that establishes the foundation for your second assessment task.
Marking the poster
- You need to submit your poster on Moodle before you present it orally (see the due date on Moodle).
- Your tutor will mark your presentation in class.
Marking criteria
- The ‘employability issue’ under investigation including background, context, significance of the issue and influence of macro and meso level factors (20%)
- Discussion of definition(s) and approaches/perspectives/theories of employability and the presentation of the definition of employability in the case of your chosen graduates (20%)
- Identifying and discussing the chosen capital (35%)
- Conclusion with critical discussion of stakeholders’ responsibilities and self-reflection(15%)
- Presentation quality which includes the professional presentation and your engagement of the readings e.g. how you use key concepts/terminologies in readings (10%)
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