Extended critical analysis of literature dealing with the development of historical and contemporary understandings of childhood, learning and pedagogy – leading to a professional philosophy statement of pedagogy and learning for children aged 0-8.
Weighting: 50%
Length and/or format: 2000 words
Purpose: To demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes
Learning outcomes assessed: LO1, LO2
2. Structure & template
You are acquired to use the template that has been developed for this assignment, please download a copy of the template here
This assignment will be structured in two parts, each section has different components. Please review the essential components in each part below:
Section 1: Critical analysis e.g. critically reviewing the literature
- Demonstrate broad and critical understanding of historical and contemporary understandings of childhood informed by academic literature
- Demonstrate broad understanding of the development of childhood, learning and pedagogy informed by academic literature
Section 1 total word count: 1200 words
Section 2: Philosophy statement (e.g. based on the literature above, develop a statement of philosophy of pedagogy and learning.
- Identifying beliefs
Using the findings from your critical analysis, in relation to each of the 4 points listed on the template, develop a statement of belief e.g. a short succinct sentence (approximately 20 -30 words for each point)
- Culminating statement of professional philosophy of pedagogy and learning for children aged B-8 draws upon relevant & current academic literature (700 words)
Based on your critical analysis and belief statements, develop a professional philosophy statement. Your professional philosophy statement must draw on academic literature.
Section 2 total word count: 800 words
I already save the template in the folder
2. Structure & template
2.1. Word count
Word count: 2 000
Please use the word count allocations listed in the previous chapter as your guide.
A 10% buffer is allowed, meaning that everything (e.g. all text) from the first letter on the title page, to the last letter that comes before the reference list, must total no more than 2 200 words.
Any text over 2 200 words will not count towards your grade
- The reference list does not count towards the word count
· In text citations count towards the word count
· APA 7 referencing required
· Please include the word count (excluding your reference list) on the title page
2. Structure & template
2.2. Styling
- Please ensure your assignment is double spaced
- To see how an APA paper should be styled, please see an annotated student example here:
3. Critical thinking
Critical thinking, what does critical mean?
Critical thinking is sometimes also referred to as higher order thinking. Critical thinking is often a criteria for marking. You will achieve this by investigating what different ‘academics/experts’ have said about an issue and then you will decide which view you agree with (so this is not your personal opinion). Once you have a basic understanding on an issue – begin looking for differences and similarities between the different authors.
Analysis refers to the process of examining the parts of a whole, the causes and results of events, and the differences between phenomena.
7 steps to critical thinking
- Analyse and interpret the question
- For example - where will I get information for my assessment topic?
- Immerse yourself in the topic
- Seek information from different sources (the course site, learning materials, fellow students, tutor)
- Ask questions
- Ask questions about the assessment topic
- Make links
- Make links between different activities, lectures and readings
- Understand the different perspectives
- Synthesise information
- Understand theoretical frameworks
- Familiarise yourself with new terminology and concepts relevant to the topic
- Develop a position and arguments to support it
– Make an informed position about the sources and how you are gathering the information
4. Developing a philosophy statement
Developing a philosophy statement
5. Questions
- What do I reference?
Referencing needs to be used anywhere that you refer to someone else’s ideas/ work. Every source of information or idea that is not your own must be acknowledged in your writing, e.g. if you mention sociocultural theory, Reggio Emilia approach or the ZPD, these terms need to be referenced as this is an academic assignment.
- I already have a philosophy statement, can I use this?
As you go through your teacher training your philosophy should continue to grow and develop, so I wouldn’t expect your philosophy to be stagnant. While there might be some common themes or values from your past statement, this statement needs to be a new piece of work.
In particular, if you have submitted your philosophy for another assessment task you cannot recycle the work. Recycling is a form of academic misconduct, as defined in 7.d of the Academic Misconduct Policy
- Writing style
- Section one of the assignment will be written in third person
- Section two of the assignment (the belief statements and personal philosophy statement), will be written in first person
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