ECTPP302A Reflective And Professional Practice - Research Tasks

Assignment Help on Research Questions

Appendix 1 – Assessment Details

Assessment Event 1 - Research Tasks

Title: Engaging in reflective and professional practice

Weighting: 60%

Length: 3000 words (1000 words for each selected topic)

Due: Cluster 1 topic – Week 6 (Sunday 11.59pm) Cluster 2 topic – Week 9 (Sunday 11.59pm) Cluster 3 topic – Week 12 (Sunday 11.59pm)

Learning outcomes: 1, 2 and 3

For this assessment you will need to:

  • From the table below, choose one (1) topic from each three (3) week cluster for further
  • Write three (3) papers (one (1) for each selected topic) in response to the posed research question for your selected topics listed
  • Ensure each of the three (3) papers is written using a different academic writing style, for example; essay, report, reflective statement, literature review, annotated




Week 1 and



Reflective practice and critical reflection What are the advantages for young children when there is a strong culture of critical reflection in early childhood settings? What theories support your argument, and why?
Week 3 Personal reflection Reflect on your own childhood and how this informs your beliefs about what and how young children learn. How does this fit with your understandings of current

theories of, and images of children in Australia?

Week 5 Critical reflection as a team How might you create opportunities for critical reflection as a team, ensuring that all voices are heard and responded to with respect?




Week 6 Critical reflection about partnerships Why do you think partnerships with other professionals are important? How does collaboration benefit children and their families?
Week 7 Reflecting on the program Given that one of the most important reasons for documenting children’s learning is to inform our pedagogy and practice, how would you reply to the following; ‘There is too much documentation to do. I don’t see the point and I wouldn’t do it if it was not a requirement’.
  Week 8 Reflecting on curriculum How do we create curriculum and where should curriculum content come from?




Week 9 Contemporary Australia Identify two core values that underpin the way you work. What practices enact those values?
Week 10 Reflecting on professionalism Exploration of yourself as an early childhood professional. What is your understanding of yourself as an early childhood professional?
Week 11 Reflecting on quality Reflect on quality in early childhood settings. What does quality in ECEC mean to you?

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA 7 style.

All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course.

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