ECTPP301A - Australian Professional Teaching Standards and Teacher Accreditation Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Graduate Teacher Evidence Portfolio

Assessment Event 3 – Graduate Teacher Evidence Portfolio

Title: Australian Professional Teaching Standards and Teacher Accreditation

Weighting: 40%

Length: 3000 words

Due: Week 12

Learning outcome: 3

As an early childhood teacher, you are obligated to enact the Australian Professional Teaching Standards into everyday practice.

For this assessment you will need to:

  • Briefly outline teacher accreditation (250 -500 words - Guide only)
  • Compose a reflective statement which positions your obligation to enact the Australian Professional Teaching Standards into everyday practice and outlines your professional and ethical approach to teaching (250-500 words – Guide only)
  • Provide a collation of evidence for your teaching practice to demonstrate your developing teaching practice of the toward the NESA graduate teaching standards (7) and
  • Utilise the following resource:

NSW Educational Standards Authority. (n.d.). The Standards. accreditation/meeting-requirements/the-standards

and provide personal practical examples (from professional experience placements or working in the industry) for each of the teaching standard descriptors as evidence for teacher accreditation.

  • In consultation with the subject academic select a platform for this assessment task. You may like to present your evidence in a digital data base. Applying this challenge would carry marking

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA style.

All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course.

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