ECCWC302A Inclusive Practice And Principles in Early Childhood - Workshop Assignment

Assignment Help on AAC Workshop

Assessment Event 3 - AAC workshop

Title: AAC workshop

Weighting: 30%

Length: 15-minute workshop

Due: Weeks 11 and 12

Learning outcomes: 3 and 4 Description:

In small groups:

  • Imagine that your peers are a group of Early Childhood Teachers
  • Plan and facilitate a 15-minute workshop on an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system of your choice

Some examples may include:

  • Australian Sign Language (Auslan);
  • Key Word Sign (KWS);
  • Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS);
  • Or you may choose a different focus (please consult with your academic). It is important that your workshop is accessible, engaging and

You may use any resources that will assist you with addressing the aims of your workshop, including any physical resources or digital technologies (e.g. PowerPoint, Prezi, Webtoons, video, etc.)

You may also choose to engage the audience in an activity (e.g. singing and signing, playing a game, telling a story, etc.)

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