ECCDD303A - Children’s Theatre Performance - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Type of Assessment Critique

Assessment Event 1 – Type of assessment Critique

Title: Children’s theatre performance

Weighting: 20%

Length:  1500 words

Due: Week 5 (If attending a live theatre performance your teacher may bring forward your due date)

Learning outcomes: 2, 3 and 4

Dinham, J., & Chalk, B. (2018). It’s arts play: Young children belonging, being & becoming through the arts. Oxford University Press. (Chapter 8).

For this assessment, you will need to:

  • In consultation with the academic decide as a group attend a live theatre performance for children that incorporates music, movement and drama or watch the video footage nominated by the subject Critique the performance addressing the following:
    • Discussion of the elements of theatre performance and production from your week 1 subject
    • Identification and discussion on the Use Dinham and Chalk (2018, p. 170) to elaborate on the characteristics that the performers demonstrate.
    • Interpretation and evaluation of the reactions of the children in the audience and correlate to early childhood development

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA 7th Ed.

All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course.

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