Assignment Help on Report (note not an essay)

Assignment 2 Report (note not an essay)

One of the more obvious differences between reports and essays is that reports always use sections with headings, and each of these sections has a particular purpose. As you will do in an essay, however, you are also required to analyse, evaluate and produce a line of argument to support your report outcomes.

Research the topic in advance and present your findings in the form of a written report of 1500-2000 words.

The topic:Select 4 or 5 issues( excluding language acquisition) for organisational communication when organisations work with culturally diverse stakeholders, and how are these issues addressed both within the organisations themselves, and by external communication training providers–remember the : A case for Global Leadership- the Kai Bendix story… and what our guest speaker said

In order to answer this question, you are expected to research extensively the external provision for organisations:Learnlight.com bought out Communcaid.com since January 2017 (in London, Paris, Barcelona, NY, Frankfurt, Brussels),  Global LT (US),  SIETAR UK – Society for Intercultural Education, Training and Research,  http://fujitsu.culturewizard.com/app/login, Farnham Castle Intercultural Training (UK), KIT-Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam in Anthropology Dept clients like Unilever, Philips, Shell, Akteos  and Terresneuve(French),  Kwintessentialand International Movers like Brookfields, Sterling do cultural training, as well as internal provision in organisations: BMW and the Chinese Overseas Oil Company,Worldwork, here at UCLan Worldwise (Cultural Briefings and short language course provision) and UCLan Language Academy. You may also want to comment briefly on the effectiveness of this provision and make brief recommendations.

Although you will obviously include reference to key relevant cultural perspectives such as power distance and universalism, descriptions of these should be kept to a minimum, as you are writing this report for a readership that is already very familiar with them. You are rather expected to address topics central to EB4902. Also consider ways in which organisations can avoid cultural clashes and misunderstandings which will result in business failure. The focus is on how to enhance intercultural competence and awareness among all culturally diverse stakeholders for business success in for example:global businesses, global expansion strategies, mergers and acquisitions, executive relocation, outsourcing production abroad, negotiations, meetings, events…………………………….

Length guide: 1500-2000 words

Deadline: To be completed in class and submitted 9 April 2022

For Ass 2 exam conditions w/c 18th April after Easter break in class:

  • You may bring one A4 of notes that you will give to me at the end of the exam plus one A4 of a reference list typed/word processed which you will give to me at the end.
  • Nothing else other than a pen and a spare can be brought into the exam
  • Do not bring any electronic devices to class.

See assignment criteria document for specific criteria for these assignments.

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