· Your assignment is to produce a report based on an international HRM case study in which you will analyse the human resource management issues that the company has to address in developing its international business and make appropriate recommendations to the company’s senior management team. The case study is on page 4 of this document. · The word limit on this assessment is 2500 words (+/- 10%). · You should write in complete sentences. · You should use relevant business English and apply relevant theory when answering the questions. · You are expected to show evidence of learning outcomes 1,2 and 3 listed in the Module Information Pack. · This assessment is worth 60% weighting of the module. · The marking criteria is available on Blackboard. Please familiarise yourself with this before you begin your research. · You should not just rely on websites for information but use the e-library from the university to find appropriate articles, either from academic journals or from marketing publications. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA AS A SOURCE! · Material covered in the sessions related to the topics for the assignment should be used as a starting point. Do not simply restate what was covered in the lecture or what you have read in the literature. Develop an analysis of the key issues using secondary material to support points or to forward the case that you are presenting. · Simple statements of opinion or prescriptive assertions are not adequate to the task: you need to back up your arguments with evidence and examples, e.g. from other case or survey studies. · If you need any further guidance, including locating or identifying secondary material, please arrange to see your tutor. Assessment Criteria: · Demonstration of knowledge and understanding of theory relating to recruitment and selection, and rewards. |
· Demonstration of logical and justified recommendations for reward strategies applying real-life examples.
· Evidence of a wide breadth of relevant reading. · Strength and worth of your arguments, conclusions, and recommendations. · Your application of theory selectively and critically in analysing the issues in the case study. · Accurate referencing using the Harvard System and a full References section at the end of the report. · Style/presentation of the report (including appropriate referencing) |
· You are required to use academic sources to support your arguments and recommendations. Use theory where appropriate, do not simply state the theory. · You are advised to attend sessions on how to prepare for tests, language skills, how to use Blackboard, etc. run by the University. For details, contact your course leader or year tutor. · Link to reading list can be found here: 202122_B_9&auth=SAML · Students must familiarise themselves with the material in the Course Handbook and Module Information Pack (available on blackboard) on plagiarism, penalties for late submission and extenuating circumstances. Students should include the following declaration in their work: “We confirm that this assignment which we have submitted is all our own work and the source of any information and material we have used (including the Internet) has been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the School guidelines we have received.” · Any electronic submission of work will in any event be deemed to have agreed to this declaration. · Material covered in the sessions related to the topics for the assignment should be used as a starting point. Do not simply restate what was covered in the lecture or what you have read in the literature. Develop an analysis of the key issues using secondary material to support points or to forward the case that you are presenting. · Simple statements of opinion or prescriptive assertions are not adequate to the task: you need to back up your arguments with evidence and examples, e.g. from other case or survey studies. · If you need any further guidance, including locating or identifying secondary material, please arrange to see your tutor. · How much to read? - Students are often concerned about the number of sources they should read and reference. There is no exact answer to this. The wider the reading the greater the likelihood the student will understand the issues they are being asked to discuss. It is recommended that students read a number of textbooks and a number of more specialist academic |
sources (journals, practitioner publications). Please remember using, reading and referencing material quoted in lectures is acceptable, but citing lecture slides is not! Even with a report style of assignment, your work must be fully referenced.
- Material drawn from Internet sources should be used with caution and care and should NOT be used as an alternative for a properly researched and argued report using academic sources. - Students must familiarise themselves with the material in the Module Information Pack (available on blackboard) on plagiarism, penalties for late submission and extenuating circumstances. Students should include the following declaration in their work: I confirm that this assignment which I have submitted is all my own work and the source of any information and material I have used (including the Internet) has been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the School guidelines I have received. - Any electronic submission of work will in any event be deemed to have agreed to this declaration. |
Assessment Release date: W/b 31st January 2022 Assessment Deadline Date and time: Monday 28th March 5:00pm GMT. You must ensure that by this date and time you have submitted an electronic copy of your assignment through blackboard. Your feedback/feed-forward and mark for this assessment will be provided 15 working days after submission. Provisional marks will be made available via MyGrade on blackboard. Please note that these marks will remain provisional until the assessment board has confirmed them. |
· You are required to upload your completed report on Turnitin via Blackboard. If you are unsure about how to do this, contact your module leader. No email copies are permitted. If you submit after the deadline without an approved extension, your assessment will be penalised according to the University regulations on late submission. |
· You will find information links to all our Library resources in the Library area of the Student Hub. For support with using these resources, please contact your subject librarian at |
· You can get support with your academic skills (academic writing, critical thinking and referencing) through WISER. For details of the WISER support services go to the Study Skills section of the Student Hub.
· If you have not yet made the university aware of any disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, please complete a Disclosure Form. The Inclusive Support team will then contact to discuss reasonable adjustments and support relating to any disability. For more information, visit the Inclusive Support page of the Student Hub. · To access mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form. Alternatively, you can email [email protected], call 01772 893020, attend a drop-in, or visit our UCLan Wellbeing Service pages for more information. · If you have any other query or require further support you can contact Student Support via [email protected]. Speak with us for advice on accessing all the University services as well as the Library services. Whatever your query, our expert staff will be able to help and support you. For more information please visit the Student Hub. · If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assessment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to apply online prior to the deadline. |
Disclaimer: The information provided in this assessment brief is correct at time of publication. In the unlikely event that any changes are deemed necessary, they will be communicated
clearly via e-mail and a new version of this assessment brief will be circulated. |
Version: 1 |
Case Study: Credit Bordelais
Credit Bordelais is one of the world's largest banks with offices in over 60 countries on all continents. The Credit Bordelais Group has grown very rapidly over the past decade principally by the acquisition of foreign banks throughout Europe and in other markets around the world. One of the key challenges that face Credit Bordelais is to fully internationalise its HRM policies and become a true multi-cultural, globalised, organisation. This task is made harder as many senior managers think that the bank is already international simply because it has a tradition of foreign operations and that it has doubled its size through the acquisition of foreign banks.
Moreover, the diversification of the banks' activities is creating a number of significant HRM challenges. This diversification involves more 'products' being offered in more national markets but the skills and attitudes of the banks' staff have failed to keep up. Bankers have often been characterised as conservative, reserved individuals who are very attentive to detail. As banks
move increasingly into other 'product' lines, such as life insurance sales, some of their employees must emulate the enthusiastic personality profile of a salesperson. This transformation is particularly important as banks are finding that new services are providing higher margins and, therefore, an increasingly greater share of their turnover. The banking industry has also, of course, become much more competitive in recent years. Having the opportunity to expand into other markets and countries is a double-edged sword in that banks from other countries can expand into your market! The need for bank staff to become more competitively aware is also very important. They also need to be able to use the full range of new technologies available in their work to meet all these new challenges.
The company is facing two problems:
- Having too many of the same type of employees with the wrong skills (people with traditional banking skills but not the new, customer friendly, marketing and selling skills). Many employees not only had the wrong skills but also the wrong attitudes being reluctant to use computers, associating computers with secretarial work, and being unfriendly with customers, regarding friendliness as inappropriate in their
With regard to managers, Credit Bordelais had managers who were under-educated generalists in an increasingly specialized industry. Managers were also unwilling to ‘let go’ of decision-making and, therefore, newer, younger, staff felt that they were constantly being controlled and had no autonomy and discretion.
- Having too few of the type of employees needed: customer friendly, highly computer literate, multi-lingual and sales orientated
In your report, the company wants you to cover two tasks:
Task 1: What measures should be put into place to ensure that recruitment and selection of the new employees and new managers is done effectively?
- You should combine theory with actual real-life organizational
- You should create a well-balanced set of arguments (i.e. evidence regarding both advantages and disadvantages of different recruitment and selection approaches). These arguments should be well referenced and demonstrate a wide scope of reading on the
Task 2: Provide recommendations of reward management systems that Credit Bordelais could put in place to ensure that the employees are motivated to maintain a high standard of service? Use at least three examples of other companies’ reward management strategies to support your arguments.
- A good place to find reward strategies used by other companies is in job advertisements. You should use a different job advert for each recommendation
- The reward strategies should be connected to theory to show thorough understanding (i.e. at least one theoretical reference per reward strategy).
- Dedicate at least 300 words to each
- Try to go beyond very basic reward strategies (e.g. basic pay) and search for approaches that are unique and attempt to reward employees in different
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