DST5HSM Critical Case Study Analysis Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Case Study Analysis

Assessment 3 Critical Case Study Analysis

Students are required to independently identify a case study, which will be closely scrutinized in their final assessment (AT3, Literature Review, Critical Case Study Analysis).

The selected case study should be a development project, a government programme, a campaign, or an initiative designed to promote social change. It may involve advocacy, individual activism, or policy making, etc. The students will be encouraged to consider how this project conceptualizes social change, create a “Theory of Change”. Students should think about how likely they think the project is to succeed and how (and if) the structures of the development industry. They should utilize academic research and engage with the key themes of the course.  

The first step would be to look for a specific project report on an organization’s website, and then look for academic literature relevant to the project.

Suggested Subheadings Are:

Introduction to case study:

Context and area:

Proposed “Theory of Change”:

Strengths and weaknesses of project:

Reflection on structures and institutions involved:


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