- Develop an interactive animated movie that contains specified title and story. The minimum duration of the video is ONE minute. You are given the freedom of choosing the titles specified in Section 4.0. The focus of this multimedia application is to help the general public to be aware or to be educated about the current issue, or fields of interest you have chosen. The animated movie that you are yet to develop is to be used as an informative or educational tool. The scope and contents of the title chosen are to be entirely determined by the students.
- Develop the students’ practical ability to implement and document multimedia application.
- Introduce student to the current technical issues in the area of multimedia.
At the end of this project, the students should be able to:
- Develop multimedia presentation relating to a specific topic using the multimedia tools.
- Distinguish the difference between effective and ineffective use of multimedia.
- Have an impressive portfolio piece, and a thorough understanding of multimedia fundamentals
- List of project topics for you to choose are as follows:
Title | ||||
Albert Einstein | Stephen Hawking | The life of DaVincci | ||
President Lincoln | President Kennedy | President George Washington | ||
Thomas Edinson | Apollo 13 | Political system in any country | ||
French Revolution | Greatest Invention in Malaysia | Prime Minister in any country | ||
Robot | Terrorism | Richest man in the world | ||
About the great artist, Picasso | Russian Revolution | Story about police | ||
Van Gogh | Micheal Angelo | Queen Elizabeth of England | ||
Human cloning | Any Fairy Tales | The greatest artists in Malaysia | ||
William Shakespeare | Nielson Mandela | Story about diamond | ||
The greatest literature of England | Story about firemen | Story about FBI | ||
Living beings in the sea | Living beings in the desert | Great Philosopher in the world | ||
5.0 TYPE:
- Individual work
- You need to register the chosen titles with your lecturer, and get these approved. A proposal form of the project chosen is to be handed to me two weeks from today
- Your application must have significant use of the following elements so that you get some practice with them:
Element | |
1 | Text and animated text |
2 | Graphic |
3 | Audio |
4 | Animation |
- All elements mentioned above might not be able to be covered in lecture before the submission due date, therefore you must learn yourself first so that you can apply them on your application. No doubt there will be further clarifications as the days progress!
- The documents (project report in printed form; Assignment 1) and Multimedia Application (animated movie) in the form of a CD-ROM (assignment 2).
- The completed animated movie must be compiled into an (*.swf) executable file and burned into a CD-ROM. Do not submit some other format like *.html, *.dir, etc.
- The CD-ROM should also consist of raw media files (e.g. *.jpg, *.gif, *.psd, .mov etc.) and all Flash working files (*.fla).
- The running time of your movie should not less than 1 minutes
- As part of your assessment, you will have to submit the project report in printed form which include the followings:
- Table of contents
- Acknowledgement Section
- Objectives of your animated movie
- Targeted users’ background
- Targeted users’ requirements
- Concepts art and character design
- Abstract
- Application structure
- Storyboard
- Creative and unique features in your movie
- References (Use Harvard Naming Convention; Refer notes below)
- You may source pictures and information from the Internet. If you have accessed the Internet, reference the resources used carefully in your document.
- All references must be made using the Harvard Naming Convention as shown below:
The theory was first propounded in 1970 (Larsen, A.E. 1971), but since then has been refuted; M.K. Larsen (1983) is among those most energetic in their opposition……….
List of references at the end of your document must be specified in the following format:
Larsen, A.E. 1971, A Guide to the Aquatic Science Literature, McGraw-Hill, London.
Larsen, M.K. 1983, British Medical Journal (Online), Available World Wide Web: URL: http://libinfor.ume.maine.edu/acquatic.htm (Accessed 19 November 1995)
Further information on other type of citation is available in Li, X. and Crane (1993), Electronic Style: A Guide to Citing Electronic Information, Meckler, Westport.
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