Descriptive and Predictive Analytic Layers - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Data Analytic

Task details: Students will work in groups (minimum 3 and maximum 4 students in each group) on a data set identified by them and approved by their tutor.

They will apply analytical methods to select a data set and summarize some of target models in Descriptive and Predictive Analytic layers to get it approved for their project. They will then use any analytical tools (e.g. Excel, Tableau, Rapid Miner) to extract their findings and draw insights from this data set.

The outcomes need to be presented using Visualization models and also explained in a detailed report as explained below.

Submission of group report will be due in Week 11. This will be a 2,000 words report excluding references and executive summary. It should consist of the following structure:

  • Title Page (Student's name and ID, Tutor's name)
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of contents
  • Introduction:
    • List of Research questions (what novel findings are you targeting?)
    • Data Set Introduction and its Industry Background
    • Data Readiness (what steps did you take to select/clean/integrate data)
    • Definition of terms
  • Data Analysis Findings:
    • Summary of Findings
    • Models and Visualizations (at least 5 different graphs/models to support the findings)
    • List of contemporary Literature review (to compare your findings with other researchers)
  • Conclusion/recommendations
  • Response to Feedback
  • List of suggestions to provide improvements in data set or findings

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