DATA4000 Introduction to Business Analytics - Industry Report - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Case Study: National Australia Bank

Your Task

Consider below information regarding the National Australia Bank data breach.

Read the case study carefully and using the resources listed, together with your own research, complete:

  • Part A (Industry Report) Individually by Monday 23: 55pm AEST Week 12
  • Part B (Application for data access presentation) submitted in Tuesday Week 13 at 23:55 AEST, as an individual video

Assessment Description

National Australia Bank 20210421-p57l1q


“The accounts of about 13,000 NAB customers were compromised on Wednesday, July 24, 2019, after an employee uploaded details, including government-issued identity documents such as Medicare cards, to two different websites with the bank informing customers on the following Friday night”.

“At the time of the event, there were insufficient technical controls in place to prevent transfers of this nature. NAB has uplifted these controls to prevent a similar event occurring in the future,” NAB said in a statement.

“Among the new controls the bank introduced were the blocking of certain websites and closer email monitoring of staff and contractors”

In 2021, National Australia Bank revealed it paid $686,878 in compensation to customers exposed to this 2019 data breach after the personal account details of 13,000 customers were uploaded to a website similar to Google Sheets.


As an analyst within NAB, you have been tasked with considering ways in which customer data can be used to further assist NAB with its marketing campaigns.

As a further task, you have been asked to consider how NAB could potentially assist other vendors interested in the credit card history of its customers.

Assessment Instructions

Part A: Industry Report (1800 words, 25 marks) - Individual

Based on your own independent research, you are required to evaluate the implications of the Australian Privacy Principles and European legislation such as GDPR on NAB’s proposed analytics project and overall business model.

Your report can be structured using the following headings:

Data Usability

  • Benefits and costs of the database to its
  • Descriptive, predictive and prescriptive applications of the data available and the data analytics software tools this would

Data Security and privacy

  • Data security, privacy and accuracy issues associated with the use of the database in the way proposed in the

Ethical Considerations

  • The ethical considerations behind whether the customer has the option to opt in or opt out of having their data used and stored in the way proposed by the analytics brief
  • Other ethical issues of gathering, maintaining and using the data in the way proposed

Artificial Intelligence

  • How developments in AI intersects with data security, privacy and ethics, especially in light of your proposed analytics

Use the resources provided as well as your own research to assist with data collection and data privacy discussions. A1CA/$File/Public%20Consultations%20Paper.pdf

Part B: Presentation (5 minutes, 15 marks)


You are required to prepare a presentation of 10 - 12 PowerPoint slides. You are an analyst at National Australia Bank.

You have identified a way in which you can use customer data to inform customers of bank offers and offers from other vendors, based on their credit card spending history.

Although it’s National Australia Bank’s own data, regulators and legislators are becoming increasingly concerned about the way in which certain types of analytics projects can infringe on privacy, individual rights and potentially be in contravention of the Australian Privacy Principles, GDPR and other legislation.

Create a presentation of approximately 5 minutes in which you discuss how National Australia Bank plans to use this data and the broad implications involved.

Discuss the issues below, and imagine you are communicating this presentation to government (regulators and / or legislators) as your primary audience.


  1. Why you want the data and the resulting benefits to your customer base;
  2. How the data can be sourced ethically and securely;
  3. How you will keep the data safe from the type of attack on customer data outlined in the AFR article
  4. How you will use your analytical findings in an ethical

The sources below are for your reference only. Use these as you see fit as well as your own research. A1CA/$File/Public%20Consultations%20Paper.pdf

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