This assignment is worth 20% of your final mark for this unit. You MUST submit ELECTRONIC COPY through the Turnitin Software via the Canvas under the Assessments and then Assignment 2 Submission tab. Submission deadline: Friday 28th April 2023, 4:59 pm. You will be penalised 10% of the assessment’s worth for each calendar day the task is late, up to a maximum of 5 days. After 5 calendar days, a zero result will be recorded. There will have 2% deduction in marks for assignment submission without standard Assessment Cover Sheet.
Your task is to write a report that compares how Energy sustainability and Transport sustainability have been addressed in Australia in comparison to an overseas country of your choice. Your report should be done according to the following steps:
Step 1: Report the following types of actions regarding energy sustainability both in Australia and your country of choice:
- Government regulations of the country regarding energy sustainability
- Key scientific research and technological innovation of the country
- The actions of non-government organisations and the private sector
- Exemplar projects
Step 2: Report the following types of actions regarding transport sustainability both in Australia and your country of choice:
- Government regulation of the country regarding transport sustainability
- Key scientific research and technological innovation of the country
- The actions of non-government organisations and the private sector
- Exemplar projects
Step 3 You need to compare the actions taken (the actions you just reported in previous steps) in these two countries for energy and transport sustainability. For example, why is it that two countries have dealt with issues differently? Is one approach more successful than the other? Are there any ways in which one country should be learning from the other? It is important to keep in mind that each of your countries is not a homogenous blend demographically and environmentally.
Your report should not exceed 1500 words +/- 10% (excluding bibliography) but keep in mind the importance of keeping your writing succinct.
You MUST include at least 10 REFERENCES (RECENT) in the assignment with properly cited in the text. You must follow Harvard style format in text citations and bibliography.
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