The companies are striving hard to find ways through which they can create high value for customers by offering assistance to customers in helping a significant job done. The businesses whose products and service offerings revolve around the generation of high value proposition for customers, are likely to gain high competence within industry (Sheehan and Bruni-Bossio, 2015). Based on the importance of customer value proposition, the present report was driven by the purpose to apply the research knowledge about customer value proposition on real world organization, such that gaps in value proposition of business can be identified and changes can be recommended. Additionally, the focus has also been maintained on business model reinvention, such that all activities of business can be aligned with identified customer value proposition. In order to fulfil this purpose, Ibis Hotel has been chosen that is one of the famous budget hotels, operating around the globe. Ibis Hotel is operating in Australia and has been chosen to implement the knowledge of customer value proposition and reinvention of business model to improve the effectiveness of hotel. The research has mainly been used from three articles of Harvard Business Review, which are focusing on the ways through which customer value proposition can be enhanced and business model changes can be fostered to ensure long run success of business.
The report is structures in different section, such that firstly the information of chosen research articles about customer value proposition is provided. Secondly, the consideration is offered to explanation of concept of customer value proposition. The third section has incorporated detailed information about the Ibis Hotel such that strengths and weaknesses of existing business model and customer value proposition of hotel can be identified. The fourth section is focused on recommendations about the identification of new customer value proposition for Ibis and lastly, the suggested business model changes are detailed.
Details of chosen Articles
For the purpose of report, three research articles of Harvard Business Review have been chosen from the course. First is the Reinventing your Business model by Johnson et al., (2008). Second is Customer Value Proposition in Business Markets by Anderson et al. (2006). While, third is Competing on customer journeys by Edelman and Singer (2015). The reason of these research articles is based on the notion that all of these articles are interconnected with the theme of enhancing value of business for the customers. For instance, in Reinventing Business Model, authors have focused on the notion that in order to bring new and radical products into market, the businesses are required to make reliance on innovation of its business model. The research paper has provided a business model framework, in which creation of Customer Value Proposition (CVP) holds the central position. It is maintained that when CVP is identified and business knows that what job needs to be done, then analysis is made that how existing business can address the new CVP or what changes are needed in business model to establish value for customers (Johnson et al., 2008). Followed by this identification, the decisions of revenue model key resources and processes are being taken to develop a new business model for offering value to customers.
Followed by this, the research of James About customer value proposition. This papers states that instead of listing all the benefits provided to customers by offering of an organization, it is important to recognize that what matters most for the target customers (Anderson et al., 2006). The article has focused mainly on three aspects of CVP, which include all benefits, favorable points of difference and resonating focus. The term all benefit is listing of all benefits by ignoring that alternative offerings are also available with similar benefits. Moreover, the favorable points of difference merely focus on the aspects which are different from competitors, however they might or might not be most important for customers (Anderson et al., 2006). Final aspect asserts on benefits of product offering which are most desired by the customers and are most important for them. This research has shown association with research of Johnson et al. (2008) on reinventing business model in terms of focus on CVP.
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