Critically Reflecting on The Ethics Course Materials

Assignment Help on Course Reflection

This task is designed to capture your understanding of the course materials as a form of 'practical wisdom' (phronesis) to be applied in your future life and career. This wisdom is informed by the knowledge of ethics, science and social sciences and understandings of conventions, agreements, goals and protocols helping to frame a sustainable future.

Format/Product               Written Piece

Type      Individual assessment

Word Count       1500 words = 10-12 minutes

Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) Assessed

Identify and describe sustainability concepts, models and approaches -

Apply analytical and synthetic thinking (to a sustainability problem your chosen discipline)

Research and communicate information to expert and non expert audiences.

Task Instructions

This task is about - you critically reflecting on the course materials. To do this you need to be actively note taking with everything you read/watch/experience (tutorials).

After you have made your notes it is useful to go back through and highlight key ideas or thoughts that you have had

Work through the course material in a methodical fashion. You should be able to say what each paper/author/video offers to the sustainability discussion. Key questions - What is the point? How did they come to this understanding? Does it make sense? What is novel, challenging, interesting or problematic? WHY - You must explain yourself making links to material in the course.

Once you have finished reviewing and making notes on the material you will need to find a larger point, idea or concept that ties the material up - and helps you systematically reflect on this material. You have seen this before - the UN has done it with "peace and prosperity for people and the plant" OR Jeff Sachs with "Leave no one behind" there are others...."Our Common future" ..."the future we want"

You will produce a narrated PowerPoint (all references are noted on the PowerPoint slide with the quote or idea and on final slide for the reference list) OR a written paper. Trust us - the video works best as it captures more ethos through your own voice with the material.

With the narrated video (just like the lectures for this class) - you can you just use your voice OR you can have a video of yourself in presenter mode

You will hand in your script (not marked - just checked for plagiarism and clarity)

Each reflection will be different - so no standard format other than clear, ethically produced and authentic

Use your own special power - writing, creative, analytical, video, report

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