Critical Review of Research Paper - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Critical Appraisal

Critical Review

Weight: 50%
Type of Collaboration: Individual
Due: 6 June 2022 23:59
Submission: via Turnitin
Format: Double-kne spacing 12 font size
Length: 2,000 worth
Curriculum Mode: Critical Review


Aim of Assessment

The aims of this assessment are for students:

  1. Appraise the quality of evidence from clinical dials, (or)
  2. Appraise the quality of evidence from qualitative research studies
  3. Critically appraise research for its application to practice

The purpose of this assessment is to enable postgraduate students to their learning of conduct a critical appraisal of specified published journal article and incorporate the following leaning outcomes:

  • Apply critical appraisal technique to a range of research methodologies:
  • Critically appraise research for its application to practice


Critically appraise one of the two papers (below) that are available on the unit vUWS site for this assessment item. The critique should be constructed based on CASP checklist with focus on methodology, sampling and re­cruitment, data analysis, results and implications for clinical practice and future research. Please choose the correct critique check list for the research design of the study being evaluated.

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