Assessment Task 1 (20%)
Due Monday 8 August 2022 by 23:59 Melbourne Time (1000 words). (Submit online using Turnitin)
In brief essay form (introduction, body and conclusion) you will critically analyse two peer reviewed journal articles on any of the topics covered within this course by accessing the RMIT library. The critical analysis will involve the identification of the authors’:
a). key points
b). arguments
and the strengths of these two factors based on evidence related to the research that is cited and outlined by the authors. It may be useful to use the “Human Resource Management – An Introductory overview” (refer to the section headed modules on the learning management system for this course) combined combined with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Human Resource Professional Map model for ideas - refer to
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Assessment Task 1 will be assessed against the following criteria each criterion is equally weighted:
- Quality of selection of two peer reviewed journal article of relevance.
- Identification of 1. key points, 2. arguments.
- Assessment of the author’s research methodology (quality of citations, surveys, qualitative interviews, acknowledgment of previous research by the author, supported or unsupported evidence)
- Clear written style (spelling, grammar, syntax etc.) and appropriate RMIT Harvard style referencing (in-text and list of references, following
Easycite guidelines
To obtain access to the peer reviews journals it is recommended you use “Ebscohost web” or “Proquest” to obtain peer review articles. Your tutor will provide added advice on this and you also have the RMIT Online Library Liaison office to guide to suitable peer reviewed journal articles – refer;ID=cveiis1phdpg1
Assignment guidance and key steps
Step 1: Review the Course schedule and select a topic (or topics) that sparks interest or you feel passionate about.
You can choose to focus on one topic or two. For example, you may wish to explore rewards on its own or take a look at recruiting and selecting employees, as well as managing diversity. The key is to ensure the topic(s) selected is covered in this course.
Step 2: Find two peer reviewed journal articles related to your topic(s).
If you have selected one topic you will select two articles related to this topic. If you have selected two topics, you will select one article that relates to each topic.
- You are free to use the same or different authors for the articles.
- As HRM is a fast-moving discipline, the more recent the article the better, however, if there is a quality article that is still relevant and has not been advanced in regard to development of theory, then quality wins.
Finding peer reviewed journal articles
Start by exploring the following list of peer reviewed HRM journals.
- Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources
- Journal of Organizational Behavior
- International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Human Resource Management
- Personnel Review
Step 3: Critically analyse the two journal articles.
- Identify the author’s key points and arguments.
- Explain the strength of the key points and arguments based on evidence related to the research that is cited and outlined in the articles. Consider whether the research is current, relevant, reliable and valid.
Key points | What the article is about. |
Arguments | · Idea of putting forward in support and against a proposition, providing evidence.
· Idea of making a case. · Putting forward discussion with evidence to make a case. |
Step 4: Consider how the articles reflect contemporary HR theories and concepts.
Was the author’s research valid, reliable and how does it compare to the competencies described in CIPD Human Resource Professional Map model - refer to
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