CJ 210 Assignment 2-2 Template Complete the table below by replacing the bracketed text with your responses. An example has been provided in the first row. Ideology/Purpo se Sentencin gStructure Effects Example: Retribution Example:MandatoryminimumExample: Mandatory minimums are aimed at imposing fixed penalties for offenders committing similar crimes and typically result in tougher penalties for more serious offenders. Retribution refers to "just deserts" and "an eye for an eye." According to the textbook,Corrections Today(2014), the goal of retribution is to impose punishment that holds the offender accountable and that is proportionate to the crime. Retribution is not concerned with future outcome, only that the offender is held accountable and that the appropriate punishment is granted (Siegel & Bartollas, 2014). A first-time nonviolent offender, then, should be treated less severely than a repeat offender. Mandatory minimum sentencing laws seem to be perfectly aligned with the goal of retribution. Laws such as three-strikes and truth in sentencing result in harsher penalties for repeat and/or violent offenders. It must be mentioned that mandatory minimums may interfere with other long term goals, such as struggles with reentry. Siegel, L & Bartollas, C. (2014). Corrections Today, Second Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. Deterrence Determinate The main goal of deterrence is to stop or prevent crime by putting fear into the offender and the people around the community. If people started to be disorderly and riot then the city would need to restore peace and order, especially if it is a huge mass of people instead of a smaller group. In deterrence there are different types which are general and specific. Specific deterrence is made for a single person/defendant, it is made that way because the person may have to look forward to a determinate punishment or an even larger punishment. A person is less likely to partake in crime if they know what waits for them when caught. Siegel, L. J. (2017).Corrections Today(4th ed.). Cengage Learning US. https://mbsdirect.vitalsource.com/books/9781337514859 Rehabilitation Indeterminat e Rehabilitation is to get the person better and back to civilization or to live a normal life."Today, the primary purpose of indeterminate sentences remains an effort to individualize each sentence in the interest of rehabilitating offenders." (Siegel, L. J. 2017) to be rehabilitated the offender may use his time in lock up doing classes or services that will help better them for when they will get back to the world. Judges use these sentences for community programs; it is their intent that the perpetrator can be rehabilitated and will not be a harm or threat to the outside world. The hope is that the perpetrator's actions and behavior will change for the better. For rehabilitative programs they can offer treatment facilities, and education whether it be schooling or schooling for different jobs. The offender will have to serve an indeterminate sentence meaning there will be a minimum and maximum amount of time in lock up instead of a fixed amount of time, then and only then will they might be able to get parole
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