School: Trident Technical College - Course: CPT 264 - Subject: Accounting

ASSIGNMENT 8B: Peer Review & Lessons Learned This assignment has THREE parts. Be sure to complete all parts. This feedback is confidential and will have an impact on the individual grade that each group member receives on Assignments 5, 6, and 7. As such, it is very important that you give time and thought to accurately completing this Assignment! Part 1 (5 points) ListEACHgroup member's name (including yourself) and assign a contribution percentage to each group member for their level of contribution and work toward the group project so far this term. The total must equal 100%, divided amongall membersof your group (including yourself). Example: Member 1 Name: 30% Member 2 Name: 30% Member 3 Name: 40%
PART 2 (75 points) Provide observations for each group member (including yourself) for the past group assignments. For Group Assignment 5 (for each group member) 1. Group member name 2. Rate of contribution, using any of the following: Below expectation, As expected, Exceeded expectations Below needed, As needed, Exceeded needed 3. Rate of the communication, using any of the following: Frequently, Infrequently, Rarely Delayed, Reasonably, Quickly 4. Overall opinion and observation of member's contributions 1. Group member name 2. Rate of contribution, using any of the following: Below expectation, As expected, Exceeded expectations Below needed, As needed, Exceeded needed 3. Rate of the communication, using any of the following: Frequently, Infrequently, Rarely Delayed, Reasonably, Quickly 4. Overall opinion and observation of member's contributions 1. Group member name 2. Rate of contribution, using any of the following: Below expectation, As expected, Exceeded expectations Below needed, As needed, Exceeded needed 3. Rate of the communication, using any of the following: Frequently, Infrequently, Rarely Delayed, Reasonably, Quickly 4. Overall opinion and observation of member's contributions

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