CPPREP4103 Establish Vendor Relationships - Workplace Situation Skills Activity

Assistance on Skills Activity

ASSESSMENT TASK 3 – Workplace Situation Skills Activity

Part A

Prospecting for potential sellers is a vital part of the real estate industry. You are to prepare a prospecting plan, and to make mention of the appropriateness to:

  • The target market
  • Your personal brand
  • The agency brand

Fully explain three (3) prospecting methods and design a plan to measure the success or otherwise of each method. Refer to sample below.

Method Time Spent (hrs) Calls Appts. Presentations Listing
Door knocking 6 2 1 - -
Social Media 2 6 2 1 -
Letter Box Drop 8 2 1 1 -
Database 8 4 2 1 1

Part B

Your agency engages in weekly training. You have been selected by the agency licensee-in-charge to prepare a detailed checklist for the listing presentation with a prospective vendor.  Please provide a step-by-step guide to this structure.

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