CPCCBC5013 Manage Professional, Technical and Legal Reports on Building and Construction Projects

Assistance on Written Questions


Assessment Task 2 - Written Questions


You are required to provide a satisfactory response to each question below to complete this assessment.

Question 1

How would you describe a building defect?

Question 2

What are the two categories of defects and provide an example of each?

Question 3

What do the following headings mean in a defects report?

Question 4

List six (6) examples of Essential Safety Measures (ESM) that you would require an Engineers Certificate of Compliance for.

Question 5

  1. Describe a method that can be used to estimate building rectification costs
  2. When would it be preferable to demolish an existing building rather than renovate it?

Question 6

What are six (6) key benefits of a feasibility study?

Question 7

What do the following terms used in feasibility studies mean?

Question 8

What are three (3) typical design deliverables in a project brief?

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Question 9

What is the difference between prescriptive requirements and performance requirements in a design brief?

Question 10

Name five (5) types of consultants you could use to assess site conditions.

Question 11

What is the definition of an “opinion of probable cost”?

Question 12

What are the components of an opinion of probable cost?

Question 13

What should client approval of final design documentation include:

Question 14

When is ‘planning approval’ required for a project?

Question 15

List seven (7) key steps in the process of obtaining ‘planning approval’.

Question 16

When should an application be lodged with the Municipal Council to extend a planning permit?

Question 17

What three (3) things must VCAT do to offer a ‘fair hearing’ to all parties to a case?

Question 18

Name five (5) common mistakes in the contract documentation for a project.

Question 19

Name any five (5) key aspects to be monitored during construction.

Question 20

Name five (5) typical examples of events outside the builder’s control.

Question 21

List five (5) examples of the information that needs to be submitted in a request for a variation?

Question 22

What is the purpose of a progress schedule?

Question 23

List five (5) examples the various legal reports and supporting documents that may be required in an attempt to settle a legal dispute:

Question 24

Name two (2) examples of an ‘alternative dispute resolution’ method?

Question 25

What is the purpose of a ‘Probity Plan’ in a commercial agreement?

Question 26

Provide three (3) examples of circumstances that may arise during a project requiring legal interpretation.

Question 27

What is one of the most important attributes of an expert witness?

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