Counselling Psychology Assignment

Assignment brief

To be submitted no later than 12/01/22 at 6pm

Word count 2000 words +/- 10%

APA 7th edition referencing

Clarified essay title

Critically discuss the potential ethical and practical issues associated with the use of a single approach to counselling or psychotherapy.

Learning outcomes being assessed:

  1. Critically examine practical issues in therapeutic practice.
  2. Critically examine professional and ethical issues in therapeutic practice.

Within the assignment, students should select one of the following forms of counselling or psychotherapy covered in the module:

  • Person Centred
  • Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
  • Transpersonal Approach
  • Transactional Analysis
  • Creative Arts
  • Contemporary psychoanalysis
  • Gestalt

Students should then critically consider the potential ethical and practical issues associated with this approach to counselling and psychotherapy. Students to select a few of the following areas to focus on or, if they choose, can attempt to address all the issues that are pertinent:

  • Contract creation
  • Boundary issues between client and counsellor
  • Dual relationships
  • Lack of engagement
  • Qualifications of the practitioner
  • Supervision
  • Personal moral qualities
  • Note keeping
  • GDPR
  • Self-care
  • Fitness to practice
  • Insurance and potential issues around liability, negligence, or standard of care

Students may find it useful to contextualise their essay to either a condition (for instance, depression, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorder) or to a particular setting (for instance, counselling within a prison or within a rural community). This is not necessary and if students prefer, they can focus on the application of the approach within a general context.

Students should draw upon recognised professional guidance on professional and ethical practice within the counselling and psychotherapy, for instance those set out by the BACP or UKCP.

Recommended reading:

Kent, R. (2010). ‘What do counsellors and psychotherapists mean by “professional boundaries”?’ BACP Information Sheet C4. BACP.

McLeod, J. (2010). An introduction to counselling (4th Edition). Open University Press.

Rethink Mental Illness. (2021). Clinical negligence. Rethink Mental Illness.               restrictions/clinical-negligence/

Zur, O. (2009). Power in psychotherapy and counselling: Exploring the “inherent power differential” and related myths about therapist’ omnipotence and clients’ vulnerability. Independent Practitioner, 29(3), 160-164.

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