Excel Basics Assignment Directions:Points: 1 Insert a row at the top and add your name and course2 2 Widen column R to 81 3 Correct the spelling of Balance Sheet1 4 Merge and center the account title "Cash"1 5 Correct all formatting to left justify2 6 Delete unnecessary rows between Entertainment Expense and final totals1 7 Format all amounts as currency with no decimal places2 8 Use autosum for your ending balances for at least two accounts2 9 Complete remaining balances using Excel formulas6 10 Complete the bottom totals sections using Excel formulas2 20 Personal Balance SheetPers ASSETS (what we OWN)LIABILITIES (what we owe) CashUnpaid liabilities IncreaseDecreaseDecreaseIncreaseDecr +--+- Opening$950 #5$1,350Opening$1,200 #4$1,500 #6$600#6$600 #7$350 #8$120 #10$250 Ending$130Ending$950 Incre Contents of home+ IncreaseDecrease#8 +- Opening$3,000 #7$350Ending Incre + Ending$3,350#11 Prepaid rentNET WORTH IncreaseDecreaseDecreaseIncreaseEnding
+--+ Opening$0Opening$2,750 #5$1,350 #11$450Incre Net Income$680+ #10 Ending$900Ending$3,430Ending Total Assets$4,380 Total Revenue Total Liabilities$950 Less Total Expe Net Worth$3,430 Net Income (Lo
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