Final Exam Review GuideACCT 8680 - Fall 2022 Conceptual Portion (75 points) Your studying should utilize the lectures/PowerPoints, PCLCs, and relevant assessments.Also make sure to review the mid-term exam and previous quizzes.You may see similar questions! 1.Relational databases a.Do you understand the characteristics of primary keys and foreign keys? Primarykey: unique identifier in a table within a database. Identifies each row of data in a table (JE #, Student ID), can be one or more columns (it is necessary) Foreign Key: PK=FK,one or more columns in a table that refers to an attribute in another table, can contain duplicate values b.If shown relational tables, can you identify: i.The primary/foreign keys? ii.The type of relationship (i.e., one-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-one)? c.Can you interpret database maps?sure 2.Delimiters/qualifiers a.Do you understand the purpose of delimiters and qualifiers and what characters (and how many characters) can serve as delimiters and qualifiers? b.If given a sample of a .txt file, can you identify the delimiter/qualifier? Delimiter:tells you where to spilt data | space, tab, commas, quotes, ; : AICPA recommends using pipe Text qualifiers:tell data software to ignore delimiters that are within qualifiers. Common examples are ' ' and. "" 3.Can you interpret sample Alteryx workflows (aka mini-Alteryx workflows)? a.E.g., PCLC #5, #6, #8, #11, question from midterm exam PCLC 1-Each table in a relational database can have multiple foreign keys and those foreign keys CAN have DUPLICATE VALUES 2-FASB is responsible for keeping the GAAP taxonomy current and aligned with FASB codification, including SEC material referenced in the codification 3-In a line a XBRL data, decimal = -3the fact ends 6 places to the left of the natural place of the decimal so,567762. = $567,762 4-Informula toolyou enter expressions in the expression editor
5-Text to column toolis in theparsesection 6-themulti-row formula toolonly allows one expression PER TOOL and can use values from other rows. Both theformula and multi-row formulacan create new columns and use the expression editor to input functions 4.Do you understand the different types of joins we covered? a.If given two tables, can you identify the type of join that would produce the desired output? b.If shown output of a join, can you identify which type of join produced the output? c.E.g., Assignment #5 assessment, ETL Case #2. 5.Structured vs. Unstructured data a.Do you know the difference between the two types? b.If given a list of different types of data, can you identify the structured and non-structured? Structured data has defined fields, data types and label, is easy to search. Unstructured data is everything else. Semi-structed: csv, txt files Structured: excel files, database tables Unstructured: audio, emails, text messages, textual data, MW docs, pdfs 6.RegEx! Nothing else to say here! (There will be 1 RegEx question) 7.Metacharacters - building blocks of regular expressions (implies 1 character) 8.. wild card. Matches any alphanumeric character or symbol 9.\w alphanumeric character (letter or number) 10.\d whole # 0-9 11.[:alpha:] letters only 12.\s white space 13.Quantifiers 14.*means 0 or more times—all or nothing 15.+ 1 or more times 16..* wildcard -when using this, surrounding metacharacters should be specific 17. Do you understand the different types of visualizations we discussed? If given a task, could you choose the best visualization to accomplish the task (e.g., Quiz #2). a.Relationship visualizations b.Comparison visualizations c.Composition visualizations d.Distribution visualizations
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