Comprehensive consultancy management report of 2500 words to your operations manager fulfilling both tasks below


Select any one organisation from the below industries:

  • Food & Beverage Industry. g. Supermarkets, Restaurants, Food Delivery.
  • Manufacturing Industry. g. Automotive, Construction, Pharma. Textile.
  • Retail Industry. g. Online stores, Groceries, Clothing. Discount. Corner shops
  • HospitaUty & Tourism g. Hotels, Airlines, Resorts, Agencies, Events, Transport,
  • Healthcare & Social Care g. Hospital, Dentists, Pharmacy, child care

The selected organisation could be the same one you selected for you first coursework.

For this assignment, Imagine you are a newly recruited Junior consultant at this organisation and you are required to prepare a comprehensive consultancy management report of 2,50o words to your operations manager fulfilling both tasks below.


Critically evaluate any two of the below operations areas by discussing the main theories / concepts / frameworks in each area AND then apply them by discussing real and complex examples from your selected organisation:

  1. Supply Chain Management - (Slack, Chapter 12)
  2. Quality Management - (Slack. Chapter 17)
  3. Capacity & Inventory Management - (Slack, Chapters II& 13)


Your new line manager asked you to include an investigative section In your consultancy report so to evaluate how your organisation's operations department interacts / interrelate with any one other department from within your organisation from the below:

- Human Resources Management Department - (Slack Chapter g) - Marketing & Sales Department

- Accounting & Finance Department.

Thus, this consultancy report will Illustrate your understanding of the role of the operations department in creating competitive advantage at your selected organisation (L03.). It will also show to your new line manager the interdependence of the operations department on other functions within the company (L02).

The suggested standard report format should include the following sections: - A cover page

- An executive summary -1 page, with brief overview of report content.

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