Students:Please read the following directions regarding graded assignments this spring. First, you are highly encouraged to complete practice homeworkbefore attempting graded assignments this semester. Most graded assignment problems are similar to assigned practice homework and work you should be completing from the course pack. Graded assignments should be completedindependently; students may not share files or answers. The due date appears in the assignment link in Moodle. Graded assignments submitted up to 24 hours past their due date for anon-university-approvedreason will have an automatic 25-point penalty. You havetwo optionsfor completing your graded assignments this semester. A. You may print out the assignment and complete it neatlyby hand. Afterward, scan the document, save it as asingle continuousfile with a .pdf extension, and upload your file to Moodle. Note: There are many free scanner apps available for smartphones and tablets. Please donotsave and submit each page in the assignment as a separate pdf file.Although this document is multiple pages long, you should uploadonly one pdf file if you choose this option.Before uploading your scanned assignment, please double-check thatall pages are includedandlegible. Please name your pdf with a name that includes your last name (ex. Ch 3 Assignment John Doe) B. You may save and complete the document on your own device using a program like Microsoft Word. Please rename the document with a name that includes your last name (ex. Ch 3 Assignment John Doe). Before uploading your assignment back into Moodle, itmust be saved as a file with one of the following extensions: .docx, .doc, or .pdf. When you are ready to submit your assignment, go back to the same graded assignment link in Moodle. You will see an area allowing you to upload your assignment.Uploaded assignments are considered complete and ready to be graded as soon as they are uploaded - they arenotconsidered "drafts". Please allow a few days for your assignment to be graded. When completing graded assignments, clearly label your responses.Partial credit for some questions can only be given if your work is shown.If you have many calculations, please highlight yourfinal answer. There are no significant calculations for this particular assignment, but there will be many calculations on other assignments this term. Once your assignment has been graded, you may view your score and brief feedback in the Moodle grade book. Scores are not usually available until after the assignment's due date has passed. If you have a very generalquestion about this assignment (ex. "should I assume a calendar year-end?"), it may be posted on the class forums while the assignment is available; otherwise, questions that could give others the answers should not be posted on forums. Please follow these directions on all future assignment submissions this term.
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