I have compiled a complete list of what is in stock by imprint and updated all the pub dates for Spring 2023. We have received quite a few titles ahead of the pub date (a miracle!) so I have updated the status and this means you can order them if you do not back order or receive them if you BO and already ordered Nice to hear from you! I am forwarding your request to our Marketing Team who should be able to assist! Shouldn't be a problem to get it out in the next couple of days, and should get there well before the end of the month. I've been contacted by the cosmetics company Kate's Magik about doing a promo for their social media / Instagram page.They want to do a deck give-away. am attaching a credit request for some shipping errors on this invoice. We were overshipped on one item and undershipped on 2 others. Notes are on the credit request. Please let me know of you have any questions.your book; I know it will be in good hands.
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