CJ 310 Module Five Assignment Template Choose two agencies in the table below and delete the rows of the agencies you willnotbe using. Then replace the bracketed text with the relevant information. Name ofAgencyRoles andResponsibilities ofthe Agency (Pre-9/11)Communicationand InformationSharing (Pre-9/11)Security Policies(Pre-9/11)Roles andResponsibilities ofthe Agency (Post-9/11) Communication andInformation Sharing(Post-9/11) Security Policies (Post-9/11) TransportationSecurityAdministration(TSA)The TSA was notcreated before theattack onSeptember 11,2001. "Airportsecurity was largelythe responsibility ofstate and localauthorities andemployees ofprivate securityfirms retained ascontractors"(Martin, 2019).The TSA had nopriorcommunication ofinformationsharing at theagencies becauseit was not yetcreated.There were nosecurity policiesbefore 9/11 inplace, and TSAwas not yetcreated. Therewere privatecontractorsoverseeingsecurity, but theywould allow non-ticketed peopleto the gate lastminute (Schaper,2021).Since theaftermath ofSeptember 11, theTSA's role andresponsibilitieswere created tosafeguard theUnited States bystrengthening thesecurity of ourNation'stransportationsystems while alsoensuring freedomof movement forpeople andcommerce(Gorrivan, 2022).The TransportationSecurityAdministration (TSA)is the lead agencyresponsible forcommunicatingsecurity-relatedinformation throughall modes. This wasimplemented by the9/11 Commission Actof 2007, which theU.S. GovernmentAccountability Office.The GOA ensures thework is completed atthe request of thecongressionalcommittees orsubcommitteesrequired by publiclaws, per ourCongressionalProtocols(TransportationThe TSA administers an extensive and complex security protocol by monitoring and operating explosives detection equipment, overseeing canine explosives detection teams, and screening air cargo. TSA is working to find innovative ways to facilitate easier and faster transit through the checkpoint by complying with the REAL ID Act of 2005 which has been extended
Name ofAgencyRoles andResponsibilities ofthe Agency (Pre-9/11)Communicationand InformationSharing (Pre-9/11)Security Policies(Pre-9/11)Roles andResponsibilities ofthe Agency (Post-9/11) Communication andInformation Sharing(Post-9/11) Security Policies (Post-9/11) Security InformationSharing: StakeholdersGenerally Satisfiedbut TSA CouldImprove Analysis,Awareness, andAccountability, n.d.)until May 3, 2023(20 Years After 9/11: The State of the Transportation Security Administration | Transportation Security Administration, 2021). U.S. Customsand BorderProtection(CBP)Prior September 11attacks, The U.S.Customs Servicewas responsible forsafeguarding thenation.U.S.Customs and BorderProtection were notfounded until March1, 2003(CBPThrough the Years,n.d.)Before 9/11,federal agenciesshielded ratherthan shared theirinformation. TheCBP was notfounded beforethe 9/11 attacks.Before 9/11,approximately1,000 customsinspectors and500 immigrationinspectors weresharded on the4,000-mileborder withCanada(NationalCommission onTerrorist AttacksUpon the UnitedStates, n.d.).Since theSeptember 11,attacks U.S.Customs andBorder ProtectionOfficers areresponsible forAmerican bordersecurity at ports ofentry, safeguardingour country andcommunities fromterrorism, illegalactivity, narcotics,and humantrafficking (Officeof Field OperationsWhat We Do, n.d.).CBP shares data withother federal, state,local, andinternational lawenforcement agencieswho have theauthority to receivethe data DHA underroutine use (CBPThrough the Years,n.d.)CBP security policies are to protect the American people, safeguard our borders, and enhance the nation's economic prosperity. CBP's priorities are counterterrorism, combat transnational crime, securing the border, facilitating lawful trade and protecting revenue, and facilitating lawful
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