CJ 112 Module Six Assignment Template Juvenile Justice System Complete this template by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Address each of the items in the table. Write four to five sentences in each cell.
Law EnforcementCourtsCorrections The main role of a school resource officerIs to deter individuals from breaking therules and/or laws. Their presence Is usedas a method To stop Kids By being highlyvisible, The other role of School resourceofficers is to identify trespassers oncampus.They must have cultural awareness as wellas Active listening skills. They also need tobe highly Aware of their surroundings.Some social media awareness would begood so they could monitor any threatsonline.Restorative justice Is he form of criminaljustice where getting the offenders to berehabilitated is important. As well asgetting the victims a Sincere apology fromthe offender. But this doesn't end with justthe victim The offender in needs toapologize to the community as well.Restorative justice and the juvenile justicesystem go hand in hand. When we havejuvenile offenders we want themrehabilitated we want them to make thingsright and their lives as they are stillchildren. Getting them to apologize and beable to move on with their lives isimportant and we want them to have agood future because they were so youngwhen they messed up we want to teach them that that's how they have to be. A juvenile probation officer is an officer that supervises minors that were either convicted or accused of a crime. This supervision happens when the minors are on probation or when under protective supervision. They make it so they can let kids out on to probation, freeing space in detention centers. As well as, reintegration of the youth to society. They have to have a good working knowledge of social media so they can monitor what their offenders use of social media to make sure they are not breaking the rules online. Active listening is a crucial skill they must maintain as well. The decision to Simply put lawenforcement officers or of the schoolresource officers into schools where thestudents are being treated as though theyare already convicted offenders Is hard ontheir ego, and will lead them to juvie.However That being said they can alsoprevent bad things from happening sothere's very split decisions on this.All of them, the people that make thosedecisions are the people that have to beaware of not only the cultural aspect ofthings but the current state of kids thatage. They also need to be able to be onsocial media and see how not onlystudents but parents are reacting to thisother places. They need to be able toactively listen and hear what everyone issaying. These people that are making theseThere are 9 Major steps for the juvenilejustice system Step 1 delinquent behaviorStep 2 referral Step 3 Diversion or intakeStep 4 waiver or transfer step fivedetention step six adjudication step 7disposition step 8 juvenile corrections step9 aftercare.In the juvenile system is set up to separateMaturing minds from adult minds. Theyouth has confidentiality or sealed records.The juvenile justice system also tends tolean towards community based correctionslearning to grow In the community. Lastlyindividualized justice for minors taking intoaccount age and maturity level.All communication skills are crucial in thisfield dealing with minors you have to be upto date on all things current.There are so many differences between the juvenile and adult correction systems That the list would go on. In the juvenile justice system they have all the different steps discussed previously . And in the adult justice system it is just straight to the point and they Do what they have to and go to court and go on with their lives. All forms of communication are crucial for juvenile corrections officers to know. They have to be up to date on everything including social media as they are dealing with youth. They also have to be active listening and reading between the lines of everything meaning said to make sure that they aren't breaking rules. They also need to be up to date on all cultural stuff going on around them so that they can treat everyone appropriately.
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