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ChiBank Best Buy Credit TD Auto Fb Cuny Blackboard Cuny a Prime video Netflix Tools Add-ons Help Last edit was seconds ago al
ChiBank Best Buy Credit TD Auto Fb Cuny Blackboard Cuny a Prime video Netflix Tools Add-ons Help Last edit was seconds ago al text 3 5 6 Arial 12 BIU A C + IE 2 16- At 870 mm Hg, a sample of gas takes up 4.25L at 25 °C. If the pressure in the gas is increased to 2.40 atm at 25 °C, what will the new volume be? a) 400 L b) 2.03 L c) 8.50 L d)1541 L 17- How many o bonds and TT bonds are in following molecule? a) 17o and 4 TI c) 12 o and 4 TT b) 17 o and 3 TT d) 19o and 4 TT 18- How many valence electrons does H,PO, have? b)B2 c) 42 a) 30 d) 22 19- which of the following molecules does have a central atom with SP2 hybridization? (Hint: you should know the correct Lewis structure of these molecules to answer this question) a) H0 b) NH, C) CO d) BH, 20. What is the pressure in atm of a 0. 108 mol sample of the gas at a temperature of 20.0°C if its volume is 0.505L? (R=0.0821 L. atm/mol.K) a) 8.14 atm b) 5.14 atm c) 0.20 atm d) 0.35 atm 21. Which of the following atoms has the largest electronegativity? a) BI b) Ba c) At 22-In what condition a real gas behaves like ideal gas? d) T 3 4 5

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