CHCDIV002 Promote Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural Safety Assessment Answer

Assessment 2 – Project Assessment

Part 1: Research Task - Identifying cultural safety issues in the workplace

Introduction: Part 1 requires you to undertake a research task and answer specific questions  about your research.

When: You must complete and submit your written assessment by the conclusion of your  work placement, specified due date.

Where: The research and written requirements for this assessment are to be completed  outside of placement hours so as not to impact on the student’s engagement with staff and clients during the work placement.

Resources and equipment: You should do your research by accessing online resources, local  libraries or community centres. To may also choose to consult with any of the following: You must consult with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people to establish key aspects of cultural safety. This could be a colleague at work, a client or your teacher/assessor. You should negotiate with your assessor the most appropriate way to engage in this in your class and your local community. Additional research resources are listed below.

  • Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) –
  • Local Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (AECG)
  • Local Aboriginal Community Working Party – If this or the above options are not  available, then refer to the next option below.
  • Local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander identities who can direct you to an  appropriate person. These people may include:
  • Co-workers/colleagues, relatives or friends who identify as and are accepted in  the community as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • Aboriginal Engagement Co-ordinators at your local TAFE NSW Campus
  • Indigenous Coordination Centre (ICC)

Specific Assessment Conditions: Prior to engagement with an Aboriginal person, community  or organization please ensure you have identified local Protocols, for further information and support please discuss with your teacher.

1. Respond to the following;

a) Describe how your current work and workplace integrates cultural safety for Aboriginal and or Torres Strait Islander people.

b) Identify two key areas where you think the cultural safety practices could be enhanced

c) Identify two ways in which communication can be improved with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples (this may be a colleague and/or clients)

2. Discuss two critical cultural issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and  explain their impact on

a) Communication
b) Relationships
c) Overall service delivery
(100-200 words).
3.Identify and describe the impacts of three Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural safety issues relevant to both your workplace and work sector more broadly.
You must include a cultural safety issue for each of the following;
1. European settlement
2. Loss of land and culture
3. Law and kinship
(200-400 words).
4. Consult with an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person about the key aspects  of cultural safety you have identified. This could be a colleague, a client or your teacher /assessor. Record their feedback and what you established as the key aspects.

Part 2: Cultural safety action plan

Introduction: The final section of this assessment requires you to:

  • Develop an action plan for promoting Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Cultural  Safety in the workplace
  • Share the action plan in the workplac
  • Respond to three short answer questions relating to the development,  implementation and evaluation of the action plan.

When: You must develop and share your plan during your work placement.

Where: The research and written requirements for this assessment are to be completed  outside of placement hours so as not to impact on the student’s engagement with staff and clients during the work placement.
Resources and equipment:Nil
Specific Assessment Conditions: Prior to engagement with an Aboriginal person, community  or organisation please ensure you have identified local Protocols, for further information and support please discuss with your teacher
1. Develop a Cultural Safety Action Plan for your workplace. The action plan should be informed by the research you have already completed. An action plan is a tool for you to devise ways to support the delivery of services and programs that are culturally safe and encourage increased participation.
Your plan must include:
a) One strategy for each of the following:
increase participation
build partnerships and
enable self-determination and community control in your service
delivery (10-20 words each)
Your strategies must promote cultural safety and be developed in agreement
with your supervisor.
b) Identify resources you can utilise to implement your strategies and promote partnerships between staff, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities (25 – 50 words)
c) For each strategy identify how its success will be measured
d) You will need to implement one of your strategies and demonstrate a range of skills during the implementation. To complete this refer to the demonstration skills report below. Skills you must demonstrate include;
  • Ensuring your work practices are grounded in an awareness of your  own cultural biases
  • Ensuring your work practices reflect an awareness of your own and  other cultures
  • Demonstrating communication techniques that show respect for the cultural differences of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people
  • Engaging with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander interpreters and  colleagues as cultural brokers according to situation needs. (if you have a situation where an interpreter is needed you should make use of this or consult with a colleague who can act as an interpreter. If no such situation arises you should discuss how you would access this if needed).
  • Supporting the development of effective partnerships between staff,  Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities
e) An evaluation which involves an Aboriginal and/or Torres/Strait islander person in the review. This could be a colleague, a client or your teacher/assessor. Record the conversation and their feedback below and how you have revised your strategy. Once you have the feedback from the Aboriginal and/or Torres/Strait islander person write an overall evaluation of your chosen strategy.
Helpful source: Cultural Safety Action Plan (North West Territories)


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